Chapter 1

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"Oh no! This place is PACKED! There must be a parking space some where," I said to myself. 

Tonight was the night I had been waiting for. I had bought my tickets months ago, and my body was ready for the concert. I spent countless minutes fixing my hair, makeup, and picking out my outfit. I didn't leave my house until every detail was perfect. I couldn't lie to myself, I looked pretty damn good. 

"I'm still alive, I'm still alive~" 

I sang along to TOP's verse, driving around the enormous parking lot. Aha! An empty parking spot. It was really close to the building, which made me doubt it was for public use. I searched for a sign to make sure it wasn't for private uses, and to my surprise it wasn't. I pulled in, turned it off, and ran out as fast as I could. The fact that there wasn't a long line outside of the ticket booth alarmed me. 

I handed my ticket to the young girl, quickly making my way into the arena. The amount of cars parked outside gave the wrong illusion. It wasn't packed, it was overflowing with girls the same age group as me. They were already yelling, filling me with the same exciting energy. I looked for my seat  in the dim light. I walked towards the front, a few aisles from the stage. 

"Julie! Over here!" 

A familiar voice called  from my right. I followed the cheerful voice. Its owner was none other than my best friend, Mindy. She was smiling wide, just as excited as I was. 

"Omo, can you believe the atmosphere? It's crazy!" She shouted over the other girls. 

I nodded, "I'm glad I got here before it started." 

"Me too, girl. I wouldn't be able to fangirl over GD without you," she giggled.

Suddenly the lights went completely out. It was dark, then the stage lit up. The sound of "Crayon" blared through the speakers. The performance had begun. I turned to Mindy, and we shrieked in unison. G-Dragon strolled onto the stage with a confident strut. He looked amazing, as always. His hair wasn't in its usual crazy styling. It was the natural black he was born with, in a mohawk. 

"How we doin' Seoul!?" He screamed.

The crowd roared at the sight of him, myself included. He started the set off with "MichiGO", one of his most recent songs. It was a crazy song that just made you want to jump around. Mindy didn't skip a beat, and started shaking around. I joined her outrageous dancing. I was definitely in heaven. We sang along, rapped along, and danced our hearts out to every single song. 

"This next song will feature one of my brothers, and I'm sure you all know him!" 

Everyone went wild, trying to figure out who it could be. I crossed my fingers it was either TOP or Taeyang. 

"Give it up for SEUNGRI!" 

Seungri? Really? He was pretty cute, but not really my favorite. He stepped next to G-Dragon, all smiles. He wore large black shades, his hair in a fauxhawk. 

"Hello, Seoul!" 

If enough girls weren't screaming enough then, they were now. Their shouts pierced my ears. Even Mindy was cheering. He wasn't that big of a deal. 

"You guys ready to turn this party up? Let's gooo~" 

The sound of the ancient "Strong Baby" began. 

"Hey sexy," Seungri whispered into the microphone. 

I stood there, studying the guy. I hardly knew anything about him, but I was drawn to him for some strange reason. He had an arrogant smirk on his face, feeding off the energy of the fans. Halfway through the song, he removed his thick frames. Doing so, I caught the gaze of his dark brown eyes. For a moment, the world paused. The party going on around me froze, as I continued to hold his stare. Was he really looking directly at me? No way. A small grin was across his face. GD followed his stare towards me, and smiled at me. 

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