Missing you.

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Riley POV
It's been a year. A whole year since he climbed out of my window . It's just me and dad now , little Bonnie lost her fight . She was and still is such a strong little fighter , but she lies in piece now .

Dad didn't take it well ,none of us did.But me and dad handle the pain in different ways . I started to cut . It just flushes all the pain away and replaces it with numbness . Dad however ,he chose to come back drunk every night of his life and tell me I should have been there for her ,or how worthless I am. And I should have stayed missing . He hits me all the time now . It never used to be like this . We all used to be happy ,and care for each other ,now I just get blamed for everything .

I was made to go to therapy after I got back home ,they said it's good to tell someone . I told them , EVERYTHING . How I fell in love with my kidnapped , how I tried to commit suicide , everything ...
They told me I had something called Stockholm Syndrome, were one loves there captor . But they also told me that the person the took me (aka Calum) wanted me to feel so unloved and lonely , that I would start to love them ,since there all I had . I of course don't believe that , I know Calum loved me . But why hasn't he saved me from my dad then? Maybe he moved on?

The truth is , I miss him , no one has once said they lived me since I got home ,yet he told me everyday ,and every night . Why is life so complicated at times ?

I woke up as usual on my little mattress on the floor, dad said I didn't deserve a bed ,so he put it in the basement and just left me the matress.

I got up and decided to were my black skater skirt and a burgundy sweater crop type thing (outfit above ) , making sure to wear tights , one because it's cold and snowy , and two , I have scars on my legs .

It was a Saturday , so my dad will still be at his friends party , Proberly having a hang over , Like usual .

I quickly grabbed my bag and set of to Starbucks , BECAUSE I NEED MY STARBUCKS !

Once I got my drink I sat at a table on my own , minding my own business .

"Excuse me , can I sit here?" I looked up to see a girl , she was really pretty , she had blonde hair , blue eyes, and a nose ring .
"Yeah sure." I pulled of my amazing fake smile .

"What's up? You seem down" she frowned .
Huh so much for my amazing fake smile .

"Just family stuff , me and my dad , we , we just don't get along anymore" I sighed .

"Oh , don't worry , anyway I have to go , IV gotta help my excuse of a friend find some girl " she laughed .
"Good luck" I waved .
She smiles and walked away ,but as she was at the door, she looked at a paper ,then back at me . She's scary ...

She pulled out her phone and called someone , while looking to and from me . I tried to listen to her convo but all I got was .
"She's here"
"What should I do"
"Just hurry"
She walked back over .
"Hey, my friends going to pick me up In about five mins . " She's scaring me .

"Sorry I was just leaving , it was nice to meat-" I got cut of by a loud gun shot ...

I saw at the door , a man , a black ski mask covering his face .
Soon every girl ,including me , was lined up at the back .

He went down the line , slightly lifting everyone's top , just to see there hip , he was looking for something . But what? Girl after girl ,he checked there hips ,and each one he would shoot, since they clearly don't have what he is looking for .
Then came me .

His fingers brushed my skin as he lifted my top . He started to trace the burn mark Calum gave me , when he carved his name in my skin with a hot iron .

"Mine" he whispered .
Then it all clicked . He was looking for the mark .
"Calum?" I asked , my voice shaking .

"Riley?" He asked me back .

"Oh my god Calum" I jumped into his arms ,literally,my legs wrapped around his waist as I clung to him .
"Baby I missed you" he whisperen.
"I missed you too cal"

HEYY was it good? Any way. 💜 I like the one , I think it will be a cute book , but if ya want drama ,just tell me , I have a thew ideas ❤️😂 love ya

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