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Riley POV

"Calum?" my voice was so shaky, you could hardly reconise it was me.

"When will you learn Riley" he huffs , taking steps towards me as i step backwoods.

" i wouldn't of ran if you had just left that little girl alone"i snapped.

His eyes grew darker as he took one final large step towards me , trapping me in a corner.

"Come on were going back to the RV" he hissed threw gritted teath.

"IM NOT GOING ANYWERE WITH YOU AGAIN!" i yelled kicking him in the balls. I ran out the room as he fell to the ground clutching his....... area ... in pain. I ran outside , hoping to find help. I can't go back . I can't . He is a criminal. A criminal who I once fell for . How did that even happen . It's like he completely brain washed me ...

I ran up to a random door and started banging on it . (😉 )
Some boy , well he looked around 20+ answered . He was HOTTT , just saying ( YOU SHOULD LEAVE HIM CAUSE IT REALLY MAKES ME SICK JUST SAYING JUST SAYING no? Ok back to the story )
"Please help me , h-he is going to get me "I begged , clearly out of breath .
He took no time in letting me in .
"What's your name"he asked trying to calm me down .
"R-Riley Jenner"
His eyes widened , knowing I was the girl who has been missing for ages.
"It's ok he's not coming for you anymore " he hugged me .
He brought me into the living room , we're there 3 other boys , around his age. They were all chucking fruit at each other . Making me giggle slightly .
"BOYS STOP!" He heeled causing them all the stop and stair ..... At me .
"WHOS THAT BOO BEAR!" The curly haired one shouted / asked . (LARRY STYLINGSON AF)
I started to laugh a little . "This is RILEY , the girl that has been missing " a lot of gasp were heard around the room , well 3  .
I learnt all there names ,Louis harry Niall and Liam and a little bit about them . There really nice . But I know it's only a matter of time before Calum finds me . The tracker is gonna lead him here .
Then it came to mind that Calum would kill these guys because there helping me .

"Louis I -I have to go " I got up to leave but he grabbed my wrist .
" No he will get you , we'll drop you of at the police station or something " Niall offered.
I shook my head " No no you don't understand if he sees your helping me your all gonna die , he has a tracker in me and he will come an I can't have you die because of me , that's happened I many times" I whispered the last part .

"No RILEY he can't hurt us we'll help you and-" he got cut of by LOUD nocking .
My eyes widen , and I start to shake ALOT . He'll hurt me . The banging finally stopped all of a sudden . I let out a sigh if relief thinking he had gone away ...

Untill he barged the door down ....

Seriously thou can some of you stop sending me hate like please cause it actually gets to some people . YOU NEED TO CALUM DOWN AND LUKE FOR SOMETHING ELSE TO DO OR YOU CAN SUCK MY ASH 😂😂

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