Runny away .

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Riley POV
I stayed in the back with the little girl in my arms . Calum said her name was Darcy , but I'm choosing to ignore him for what he has done . I'm going to get her our of here .
She started to stir in her sleep . Then suddenly her eyes shot openen.
"Hey shh I got you " I cooed .
Calum pulled up at a Walmart .
" I'm just gonna go get some food and stuff , stay here RILEY , I mean it " he said sternly . Ha like I was gonna listen . I nodded , not taking my eyes of darcy . She really was beautiful for someone so young .
She had Brown long hair ,  big brown eyes and beautiful pink lips . Like she's like 4 or. 5 and she's still prettier than me .
Once Calum was fully out of sight I grabbed darcy and ran to the door . Locked .
"Darcy go stand over there for a minuets " she nodded and did as told .
I SMASHED the RV window . Knowing someone would of heard it I quickly grabbed Darcy and ran.

I had been running for about half an hour . I looked behind me . He's not following . I got  away . We got away .
"We got away " darcy cheered , clearly happy .
"Yeah we did , but he have to go find your mummy . I'm sure it's only another 5 minutes away.

We finally arrived at IHOP and as soon as darcy saw her mother she leaped out of my arms and ran into her embrace . I smiled knowing I did good .
Police were here . So I'm safe .
I actually got away . After all this time , I got away from him .
"Hello miss are you RILEY Jenner ? " an officer asked
"I am" I smiled knowing I'm free .
"Your safe now , your gonna get help ." I smiled again . I'm free , he is gone .
I got questioned by the police and then I told them I had an apartment which he didn't know about . Which was a complete lie ...

I didn't have anywhere to go let alone sleep. But I was ok with that . I just like the feeling of being able to do what I want again .Not being pushed round by a physco . (IM SORRY CAL YOUR NOT A PHYCO)

I was just walking round the street were my dad's house used to be . I mean it's still there but it's up for sale .
Maybe I could just go inside ? It's not like I'm going to rob the place I mean it's my old house , and it's not even sold yet so technically I still live here .
I slowly opened the door , and walked in.
It was just how it was when I left . I smiled at all the memories I had here , Bonnie , mum and dad . When we were all happy together . When there wasn't a care In the world .
Why does life have to be so hard sometimes ? Why can't I be a simple girl . Who doesn't have to cry her self to sleep or hurt herself to make everything feel better? (If you need me message me I can help if your feeling down , don't suffer alone ❤️)

I walked upstairs and into my room ...
The biggest mistake IV ever made ....

Hey guys , do you like it so far? Some people wanted him to take the girl and some didn't so I tried to put it together and do it so he takes the girl but she's doesn't stay in the story so long .

I'm sorry if you didn't like it . I promise I'll try make it better .
Thanks guys bye ❤️💜


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