It would be an honor to die in your arms

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I'm so sorry IV not updated

Riley POV
I woke up with an arm draped over my waist . Calums. I sighed and query got up and headed to the kitchen.
I made me and Calum eggs and pancakes for breakfast oh and bacon !!
After I had finished , I sat patently waiting for Calum to wake up.
What am I going to do? He knows I'm not happy here. I just want this all to go away. But I guess it won't. It never does .

Arms wrapped around my waist as soft lips kissed my cheek .
"Morning baby" he mumbled into my skin.
Silently gagging , I pointed to the food .
"I made you breakfast"
"Thank you princess"
Seriously ? I tried to kill him , and now he is calling me princess? Such a strange boy .
He immediately started  to dig in as I just stood there , watching him. (That's not creepy at all😂😂🙈)
"Come on eat Ri" he motioned for me to sit down .
"I'm not hungry " I simply replied .
But truth is I am . I would give morning for pancakes right now , but for some reason , I just have had no more energy to eat . I know that sounds strange , but food just doesn't interest me as much as it used too.
Calum shook his head
"No you heavent  been  eating , so you have to ."
I just shook my head and walked away . I knew he was properly following but all well.

I was at the top of the stairs when it happened . It went so fast.
I'm a swift move I was pulled into someone's chest , with a knife up to my neck.
My breathing started to quicken . Why does this always happen?
I saw Calum quickly make his way to me and this unknown person .
"Such a pretty face , shame if something happened to it "he chuckled waving the knife across my cheek , but not enough to cut it .
Tears started to flow down my cheeks .
"Please , Please just don't hurt her , I'll get you your money now " Calum pleaded . Wait what money? Oh wait he is a criminal , properly for drugs .

His laugh filled the room "you said 13 months ago , if I didn't get the money I could have anything I wanted . Well I want her " he shook me a little .
Calum wouldn't let's go with this creep would he ?
"Please anything but her" he begged .
"No IV made my mind up , but I just remembered. I have no room for a pathetic girl . So I'll just have to do this " and before anyone could say or do anything .
The knife slit my throat open . You know that feeling you get when your just on so much shock , and your kind of just still, and everything seems that it's voic in slow motion? That's what this feels like . Calums ran up to me , clamping his hand to my neck trying to keep the blood in .
"Come on baby please don't leave me " he begged , letting tears stream freely down his face . It was this point  I actually wanted to live , live for Calum . To tell him I care , I do care for him , and that I love him .
"I love you " I managed to spit out , untill everything slowly faded away . And it was all black....

Calums POV

"NO BABY PLEASE I LOVE YOH TOO " I screamed , begging her to still  be alive .
But she was gone .
I picked her body up , hugging her in a ball on the floor . Sobbing my heart out . Not my princess . My only reason to live.
I took one look at her and picked the knife that was on the floor up. And stabbed myself in the neck. I let out a moan of pain.
Nobody POV
Calum Hood them died , in the arms of the person he loved .
The end .

Hey , sad ending . I have another book called
Kidnapped by four Australian phsyco's .

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