Chapter 12

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"You've got fire, I like fire."
-Peter Pan ( Robbie Kay)


"Are you sure we're going the right way," I ask Lizzie, the 'Navigator'.

"Yes, no, maybe," she says turning the map around in her hands. "We are definitely lost."

"We'll ask for directions in the next town."

We have been driving the entire day and it is now late in the day, to late to keep driving.

"There's a sign," Lizzie says pointing at the sign up ahead. It reads 'Welcome to Storybrooke'.

We drive into town and park in front of a place called Granny's Diner. We put the top up and leave Adam and Michael in the car.

"Hey, do you know if there is a motel or something around here," I ask the lady behind the counter. She is really old, wearing an apron and a dress that the sleeves come down to her elbow. You can see the scar on her arm.

"Yeah, I'll show you there once I close up shop. Would you ladies like anything before I close up?"

"Uh a grilled cheese and a hot chocolate with hazelnut and cinnoman, would be great," I say.

"I'll take a grilled cheese and an ice tea, please," Lizzie says.

"Coming right up."

We sit and wait for our food, when it comes out Lizzie and I start eating almost immediately. When we're done the old lady shows us to the hotel and gives us two rooms, one for the girls one for the guys.

We grab our bags from the car and and carry them up to our rooms. Lizzie and I decide we need to go shopping to get a couple new outfits.

I texted mine and Lizzie's moms to say that we are just going to spend spring break, which is next week, in Maine. Mom wasn't worried, but Lizzie's Mom was close to coming up here to get her. I explained that if she let Lizzie stay up here that it would show if she could be responsible or not, so I got her to let Lizzie stay in Maine, but she is going to transfer some money on to Lizzie's credit card. I go over to Mikey and Adam's room and they let me in.

"Guys we're going to spend the rest of the week in Maine."

"What do you mean the rest of the week?" Michael asks.

"Spring break is next week so I thought, 'why not stay up here for spring break, we would be stuck at home otherwise.'"

"Kay, I'll text Ma."


"Lizzie I said a few outfits, not empty out every store that has clothes in it."

"We are spending spring break here, I need more clothes."

"Hurry up or I'm going to drop them in the streets."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Watch me," I say leaning the bags over the road.

"Okay, okay, I'm done shopping for today."

"That was all I needed to here."

We head back to the hotel. When we get there we drop off the bags and go back to Granny's Diner for lunch.

"What can I get you girls?" Granny asks as we sit down at the bar.

"Um, same as yesterday," I say and Lizzie nods.

"Two grilled cheese one iced tea and one hot chocolate with hazelnut and cinnamon coming right up."

She comes back out with our food and we eat slowly, talking about what we're going to do while we're here.

Michael and Adam walk in when we're half way done with our sandwiches. Michael sits down next to me and Adam on the other side of him. I slide my plate over to Michael. After they eat we all go to one of the back roads. We decided we were going to explore the town a little bit before we leave. It has been four days since we arrived in Storybrooke.

"Hey Bri, pull over, I want to go run in the field," Adam says.

"Kay," I say pulling over.

We all climb out and start walking across the board used as a bridge. When we get over, instead of an empty field, it has plants, that look to be some sort of bean, fill up most of the field.

"What happened to the empty field."

"I think this is like some sort of..." Lizzie trails off.

"Magic," I say in a daze. I walk up to one of the plants and open one of the pods. I pull the translucent beans out of the pod. There are four beans in the pod. "Let's get out of here," I say putting the beans in a small pouch in my purse.

"Agreed," Lizzie says as she starts walking off to the car.


"Okay, I am ready to go home," Lizzie says. It has been three days since we found the beans.

"I am in total agreement. Pack up your stuff, I'll get the boys and we can leave."

I tell the boys we're leaving in a little bit and pack up my stuff.

Hello creators,

They found the beans! If you have not seen Once Upon a Time you won't understand.

QotC; What will they do with the beans?

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