Chapter 16

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Fill the darkest night with a brilliant light

Suddenly they were all I could hear. The rumbling of truck engines, the crunch of tire on gravel.

"They're coming," someone says. Shortly after we see the trucks and cars pulling up. One of the trucks comes to a stop a few feet away from me.

"Oh my, are you okay Breezy?" Michael says coming around the end of his truck. I nod and Michael starts walking towards the driver's door of the truck until I place a hand on his arm.

I walk up to the truck plastering on a sickly sweet smile.

"Why, hello," I say to the driver. When the passengers see who their idiotic driver almost hit they scramble out as fast as they can. "Why don't you step out of the truck so we can talk without this door in the way."

"I-I'm fine," he says.

"That wasn't a question. Oh, and hand me your keys too."

He climbs out of his truck and hands me his keys.

"I hope you know I get irritated easily, and almost running me over isn't a way to get on my good side. Now, do you like this paint job?" I ask and he nods hesitantly. I place the key against the truck and start dragging it along the side of the truck. "Now, do you see this scratch? The next time you piss me off the key becomes a knife and the truck becomes your palms. Understood?"


"Good, now leave my sight."

He runs away, his head ducked. I count to 10 before turning around to face Michael. I take a couple steps forward and wrap my arms around his torso burying my head in his chest.

"You look beautiful tonight, Breezy," Michael says hugging me closer to him.

"Thank you."

We stand there for a couple minutes before heading to the party. Michael offers me a beer but I decline and grab a Sprite. Even though I am a bad ass, alcohol has always tasted disgusting to me.

We mingle for a while before the first person starts singing on stage, we didn't hire an actual band because we wanted to let everybody to have a chance to sing in front of their friends one more time before we all went our separate ways.

After a few more people sang one of the people who helped set up asked if anyone wanted someone to sing to raise their hand, the first person with five votes had to sing. A lot of people raised there hands. The person called on someone from the front row, and they shouted some dudes name. This went on with a few more people, all shouting different people's names, until they called on Michael and he shouted my name, it seemed like a good idea because some more people put their hands up while a few put their hands down. The person called on the people who had put their hands up after my name was called. I got five votes so I had to sing. I drag Michael with me to the stage and he lifts me up on to the stage.

"What are you singing?" he asks.

"See you again by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth so get your butt up here and play guitar."

He climbs up and grabs the acoustic off its stand. He starts playing the opening notes that are normally on the piano or keyboard.

"It's been a long day

Without you my friend

And I'll tell you all about it

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