4. Your smokin' hot friend

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"Bella wake up right now!" Brielle bursted through my door. I groaned and faced the clock on my nightstand. "Are you kidding me Bri?! It's not even 9 o'clock yet. Let me sleep" I pleaded. "Look at this!" She shoved her phone in my face.

Her phone was open on Tyler Seguin's Twitter.

Ouch that hurt! #rejected

"And you're showing me this because..?" I questioned "because he's talking about you dipshit"

"You don't know that! Now that I'm up early, I'm going to go to the cafe down the street to study. I can't focus in my room anymore" I said. "Girl you're crazy. I'll see you later"


I finally got my mocha iced coffee and my chocolate chip muffin, after waiting on line for 20 minutes. I sat down at a corner table against the window. I began to study for my finals again.

All of a sudden the chair in front of me was pulled out and somebody sat down. I looked up to see dark brown eyes starring right into mine. "Hey, I'm Jamie" he said as he reached his hand across the table for me to shake. "Well hi there Jamie, I'm Bella" I shook his hand.

He looked down to my textbooks and back to me. "What are you studying to be?" He asked. "A pediatric nurse. I have my last midterm of the semester on Tuesday" I responded. He continues to stare at me.

I was starting to believe he didn't remember me from last night, but the next thing he said proved me wrong. "So how did you like last nights game?" He said with a smirk 😏 "I loved it! It was actually my first hockey game. Brielle convinced me to go instead of studying." I said maybe sounding a little to excited. "So is Brielle your smokin' hot friend?" He quickly responded before thinking.
If he was going to be so blunt, I wasn't going to have a filter either. "I guess so and is Tyler your smokin' hot friend" I answered shooting a smirk back at him. "I guess so", he said mocking me.

"So why didn't you guys come to the locker room last night" he asked the question I've been trying to avoid. "Um I had a lot of studying to do. I had to get back to my dorm" I quickly responded. "Oh come on! Come to tomorrow nights game and actually hang out after" He pleaded. "Oh no I can't, my midterm is the next day" I exclaimed. "Yes you can. Here's two tickets for tomorrow nights game. Tyler and I hope to see you guys there. I have to say, he was pretty bummed the first time you didn't show up" he said as he handed me two tickets.

"See ya tomorrow Bella and don't forget Brielle" he stood up and left giving me a smile through the window as he walked by.


I immediately went to Brielle's dorm which was right across from mine. "Bri! You will never believe what just happened!" I yelled as I barged into her dorm. "What?" She yelled back. I held the tickets up to her face. "Oh  my God where did you get those!" As she started jumping up and down. "I may or may not have ran into Jamie Benn. And he may or may not want to see us in the locker after the game!" I handed her the tickets. "But I have my midterm the day after so I can't go. You should go with your roommate, Tori" I suggested. "You're crazy if you think I'll let you stay home" she said. I rolled my eyes and turned to leave.

"I'll see you later. I. have. to. study!" I said emphasizing the fact that I have to focus on my exams.


Tyler's POV

I was sitting on the couch in mine and Jamie's house. I couldn't get this girl out of my head. I didn't even know her name, but for some reason I feel like it was a mistake to let her leave the stadium without meeting her last night. She was beautiful. She had deep hazel, but almost greenish eyes with dirty blonde hair. She was short and skinny, but not too skinny and she looked adorable in my jersey. But, there was something more than her looks. Her eyes were filled with curiosity and passion. I didn't know what that passion was for but I felt like I needed to know.

My thoughts were broken by the sound of the lock to the front door opening. Jamie walked in and sat on the other end of the couch with a huge smile on his face. "Why are you so happy?" I asked. "Guess who I just ran into at the cafe down the street" Jamie said still smiling. "I don't know, am I supposed to know?" I questioned because now I'm really curious. "Bella!" he said as he tried to stop smiling. "Um.. who? Should I know who Bella is?" I asked growing more curious because Jamie isn't giving me any details. "Oh just the girl you haven't stopped thinking about since last game" he said nonchalantly.

I don't even know what to say or think. I had so many questions about her and everything that happened. But, I don't even know where to start. All I could think about is how fricken cute she looks in my jersey. God, I need to get that image out of my head. Why is this girl so much different than the rest of the girls in the stadium?

Jamie began to wave his hand in front of my face. "Earth to Tyler! Are you okay, man?"

"Um y-yea...just- I don't know...what did she say?" I couldn't form a sentence. "Well she was studying for a midterm and-" Jamie began but I interrupted. "What is she studying to be?" I asked waiting impatiently for an answer. "Gees Ty, chill out. I don't really remember. Something with nursing, I think she said for children. But, why does that matter?" He questioned. "It just matters to me...I guess. I want to know about her" I felt my voice start to get quieter as I spoke. "Damn man... I think your in lo-" "DON'T YOU DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE" I screamed.

I'm not in love. I'm just...curious... I guess. I hope Jamie has a way to contact her because I want to talk to her. I feel this need to get to know her.

"Did you get a number or anything?"I asked growing even more impatient than before. "Well no... I gave her 2 tickets to tomorrow's game. She said she had a lot to study and doesn't think she can go to the game. But, I insisted that she comes and hopefully she brings her friend Brielle, too. I have a feeling she will be there." Jamie started to ramble. I sat down on the couch ready to rip my hair out. "Okay well hopefully she will be there." I paused "Jamie, she has to be there" I was kind of sounding a little desperate. But, I don't care. There is something special about this girl.

I was practically shaking. I needed to calm down or I'd probably I pass out. So, I got up and went to take a long, cold shower before bed. I doubt I'd be getting any sleep though.


Well that's the longest chapter so far.

I hope you guys like Tyler's POV. I thought I should add some of his feelings.

Lmk how you like the story?! I enjoy writing it.

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