28. Attached

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Tyler POV

Bella has been sleeping for a few hours and I've just been laying here. I'm tired, but my mind is racing. I was so excited when she said she might be pregnant. At first, I was shocked. Then, I became more excited than I expected. We've only been together a few months and the children conversation already happened weeks ago. Yeah, it would be really soon for a baby, but we would make great parents. I was disappointed to see that she wasn't pregnant. I guess it's for the better because it wouldn't have been the best timing. And I guess it's kind of selfish, but then she would have to stay with me instead of going to New York.

I love watching Bella's sleeping face. She looks so calm and her long eye lashes lay on her cheek bones. Her lips are perfect, all I want to do is kiss them, but I don't want to wake her. My eyes are finally trying to close, yet I don't want to fall asleep anymore. I want to watch her until she wakes up.

Bella's POV

I woke up, but my eyes aren't open yet. My head is on Tyler's chest and I could hear his heart beat. It's so peaceful just laying here without a care in the world. I open my eyes to see that our noses are about an inch from each other. His eyes were closed and his lips are slightly parted. I couldn't resist, so I just pecked them. It caused him to stir and tighten his hold around my waist.

I thought of last night when he held me in the bathroom. I was sitting on the counter scared as scared could be. My heart was beating fast and my body was shaking. Yet, his was beating so calmly and his muscles were so relaxed. His hold around me was so tight, but comfortable. I felt so safe and protected, probably because of how big he is compared to me.

Tyler started to stretch out his arms and he yawned. I didn't have to look at him to know his eyes were open, but I did because I loved the way they looked in the morning. I don't know why or how they look different, they just do.

Still looking into his eyes, I grabbed his hand and opened up his fingers. I open it so I could lay my hand in his palm. I looked at our hands that were barely touching, but driving me crazy. My hand was so tiny compared to his. My fingers barely reached the middle of his. I heard him chuckle a little, so I guess he was watching me. I looked up and he gently kissed my nose. In response, I just buried my face in his neck. Our hands were still together.

"Your hands are so cute" Tyler whispered causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. His raspy voice immediately ran through me.

"Everything about you is cute", I giggled.

"Always trying to one up me. But unfortunately you're wrong, not EVERYTHING about me is cute." I knew exactly what he meant.

"Okay, you're right. Most of you is cute." I reburied my face in his neck again because I liked how safe I felt...and he smelled really good.

I heard a camera go off and I looked up to him taking a selfie.

"Ty!! I have no make up on!" I groaned.

"You look beautiful. I'm posting it on Instagram", he laughed.

"Ugh whatever. I'm hungry"

"I'll make you breakfast. Did you call the doctor?" I could tell he's still concerned.

"No, I will after we eat though." I rolled out of bed, not wanting to leave Tyler, to go to the bathroom.

As I was brushing my teeth my phone buzzed followed by tons of more buzzes. I picked up my phone to see that Tyler posted that picture and people were liking it and following me.

I admit the picture was really cute. My hand was laying on his with my face in his neck as he was looking at me smiling. I took a screenshot and walked out of the bathroom. Tyler went to wash up and then we went down to the kitchen.

When we walked in the kitchen Bri and Jamie were just starting at me.
"Negative..." I said, realizing they were waiting to hear if I was pregnant.

"Then what the fuck is wrong with you?" Brielle almost yelled.

"I don't know. I feel fine right now" I shrugged.

After breakfast I called the doctor. I made an appointment for today because they didn't have any open appointments for the next two weeks. I felt bad though knowing Tyler wanted to come, but he has practice.

I walked into Tyler's room to find him on the bed watching TV. "I have an appointment at 3 today"

"I guess I'll ask coach to skip practice" Tyler sighed.

"No, no you won't. I will be fine at the doctor's. Brielle could even come with me" I didn't want him to skip practice.

"No. You are more important than practice. I'm going to call coach." I could tell he wasn't going to give in on this.

"Fine" I laid down next to him.

The wait in the office was nerve wracking. I really don't know what's wrong with me. Tyler seemed nervous too. He hasn't been talking much and his knees were bouncing up an down. I reached my hand out and laid it on his knee trying to calm him. Tyler looked at me while squeezing my hand. He was about to speak when the doctor called my name.

About 20 minutes later we found ourselves waiting again. The doctor just left the room with the pregnancy test I just took.

The doctor entered the room and spoke, "the test shows that you are not pregnant. But that doesn't explain why you haven't gotten you period. Now, maybe its late and it's only been 5 days so that's normal. Or maybe it's going to skip a month, which also happens sometimes." The doctor spoke calmly.

"Ok-" I began but Tyler interrupted me. "That doesn't explain the vomiting, discomfort and all her emotions" Tyler had a look of concern on his face.

"It kind of does Ty because you know I get crazy symptoms before my period" I said to him grabbing his hand.

"I'm no psychologist, I heard her say it was the first time you guy had sex. It could have delayed her period and the all the other things are from missing you when you are away. She is more emotionally attached to you than ever... That could be the reason. But, everything is okay." He turned to look at Tyler. He just nodded and continued looking at me.

"Now for you" the doctor also turned to look at me. "If you don't get your period by the end of next month come back. You look fine to me" he said and walked out.

"I don't understand, could having sex really make you attached to me?" Tyler asked in the car on the way home.

"Yea I guess, I did miss you more than usual. I didn't even think that was possible. All I wanted when you weren't here was to cuddle." I held his hand in my lap and massaged it as he drove with the other.

"I'm sorry" he was feeling guilty, but I don't know why.

"For what, Bubs?"

"I hate leaving you. I didn't realize that I was the reason you were so uncomfortable." He was really upset and I can tell by the way he is sucking on his lips.

"It's not your fault that I'm crazy in love with you. Can we get milkshakes and then go home and cuddle?" I really wanted to be in his arms for the rest of the day.

He turned and gave me a cheeky smile, "Anything for you, beautiful!"


Short chapter. Sorry it took so long. School is taking over my life. Ill update again on Monday or Tuesday!

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