6. Blurting Out My Thoughts

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We all introduce ourselves and everyone seemed kind of nervous. This was awkward. "So, I'm happy you girls decided to come tonight" Jamie said. "We are happy we came too. Although, I really should be studying" I said.

Tyler was still starring at me. "He's even better looking up close" I thought to myself.

Brielle and Jamie bursted out laughing and Tyler gave me a smile trying to hold back a laugh. He was blushing... A lot. "Your not so bad yourself up close" he finally spoke.
"Oh shit, that's wasn't supposed to be said out loud!" I said quietly. "Nope, but you said it" Brielle pointed out the obvious.

We all stepped out of the elevator and walked toward our car. "So, was there a reason that you guys wanted us to come to the locker room?" Brielle asked. "Well yeaaa" Jamie turned to Tyler waiting for him to speak up. "I'm going to cut right to the point I guess... I saw you, thought you were beautiful and I just knew that there was something special about you. So I had to meet you." Tyler spoke quickly while trying to stop the red from forming on his cheeks. Brielle started to whisper in my ear, "How fricken cute is-". "Well thank you Tyler. You played really well tonight!" I said quickly trying to cut her off. I was starting to freak out a little. I had to get out of this and I needed to study.

"Do you guys want to go hangout?" Jamie asked. "I'm really sorry, but I even told Brielle, we would meet you guys and then leave. I have my midterm tomorrow and I need to make sure I have enough rest." I declined. "How about another night after all your midterms? I'd really like to get to know you." Tyler said sounding really innocent. "Okay sure that's sounds good" I said. "Can we text you girls when we are free? We are leaving for a road game in Tampa tomorrow" Jamie asked.

We exchanged numbers and agreed to text them soon. We said goodbye and got my car.

When I pulled out of the American Airlines Center Brielle started fan girling...bad. "OH MY GOD BELLA! JAMIE BENN AND TYLER SEGUIN HAVE OUR NUMBERS AND WANT TO HANGOUT WITH US! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?" She freaked out. "Chill out Bri! It means they want to hangout with us. They are human beings Brielle. Calm yourself." I began to laugh "Yes very beautiful human beings" she clarified
The rest of the car ride was silent.

We got back to our dorms and went our separate ways. "I'll see you after my midterm tomorrow" I said to Brielle. "Okay good luck. You are going to do fine!"she said as I stepped into my room and closed the door.


It was now midnight and I had to get to bed. My midterm was a noon tomorrow. I laid in bed as my phone lit up on my night stand.

From: Segsy 💎😍😏🍕
Hope you got back to your dorm safely...Goodnight! You will do great on you midterm tmrw smarty pants 😜

I laughed when I saw what he put his contact name as. I couldn't help but think of how cute the text was. Before I could answer he sent another

From: Segsy💎😍😏🍕
Oh and btw you really did look beautiful tonight 😏😏

I could feel myself blushing, at least Jessica, my roommate was sleeping. Nobody was around to see me blush.

To: Segsy💎😍😏🍕
thank you! That was a nice goal you had tonight! Aww stop...I think I pretty much blurted out my thoughts about you in the elevator before😂 Goodnight Ty!

I responded. Oh no...where did 'Ty' come from. Ugh there has to be something wrong with me.

From: Segsy 💎😍😏🍕
Yea you did blurt some things out in the elevator. It's okay.. it was cute. Ty😏😏 only my mom and sisters call me that...sometimes Jamie 😂 Goodnight again...Bell😏

I don't respond...I can't respond bc I'm smiling like an idiot and can't think straight. Those damn smirk emojis remind me of him way to much.


Tyler's POV

I was trying my best to take off my equipment and shower as quick as possible. I didn't want to leave the girls waiting for to long. When I was done I walked toward Jamie's stall.

"You ready?" I questioned quietly, not wanting the team to know. I'd never hear the end of this. "Yea lets go" he responded back quietly

We were waiting for the elevator doors to open. When they did, it revealed Bella and Brielle. I felt my heart drop. Jamie gave me a nudge into the elevator.

We stood there for a few seconds until Brielle introduced herself. I was so nervous. This was so unlike me because I was always so smooth with girls. But for some reason, I had no idea what to say. All I could think about was how beautiful she was.

"He's even better looking up close" Bella said pretty quietly. Jamie and Brielle bursted out laughing. I could feel myself blushing as I was still at a loss of words. "Your not so bad yourself up close" I also blurted out.

God Tyler what's wrong with you? That was so stupid...why couldn't I think of anything better? Before I knew it I said something along the lines of "you're beautiful and there's something special about you". Ready to kill myself because I sounded like an idiot I just starred at her.

Everything from there was a blur. I don't know why. Probably because I kept starring into her eyes. I remember exchanging numbers and saying goodbye.

I jumped in the passenger side of Jamie's car and leaned my head back against the head rest. "What. The. Fuck. is wrong with me?" I questioned to Jamie. "Oh my god man you're still blushing. Are you okay? You don't look it. What is this girl doing to you?" he asked but didn't expect a response.

I finally got in bed still thinking of Bella. I should text her. I want to make sure she got home safe and say goodnight. So that's exactly what I did.

To: Bella 📚
Hope you got back to your dorm safely...Goodnight! You will do great on you midterm tmrw smarty pants 😜

I hope I'm not annoying her. I'm still nervous and the emoji next to her name makes me smile. I decided to send another one

To: Bella 📚
Oh and btw you really did look beautiful tonight 😏😏

I can't believe I just told her that. But, I felt like she should know. I really wanted to tell her again...so I just did.

From: Bella 📚
thank you! That was a nice goal you had tonight! Aww stop...I think I pretty much blurted out my thoughts about you in the elevator before😂 Goodnight Ty! 

I was still smiling like an idiot while I received that text. My cheeks were really starting to hurt and I didn't mind it. I laughed thinking about what happened in the elevator. When she called me 'Ty' that was it. I knew I really liked this girl.

Only my mom and sisters call me that. Jamie calls me Ty every once in a while too.

To: Bella📚
Yea you did blurt some things out in the elevator. It's okay.. it was cute. Ty😏😏 only my mom and sisters call me that...sometimes Jamie 😂 Goodnight again...Bell😏

I plug my phone in and try to sleep, but I doubt I'll get any tonight.


They are both in love and they don't even realize it.

Do you think they are going to continue texting while Tyler is away? Or will Bella try to get him out of her head?

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