15. The Truth

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Sry I'm late on this update...school kicked my ass this week. I feel bad, so I'm going to update again either tmrw or Monday.

<next morning>

I was woken up by my sisters screaming voice. Nico was tossing, turning and groaning next to me.

"Mom! Why the fuck is my son sleeping with those two assholes?" She screamed extremely angry.

Michael walked in and picked up Mikey and walked out.

"Brook he always sleeps with me and you don't start screaming" Nico groaned.

"It's bad enough that he sleeps with you. Now he's with that loser, you call your twin, too" she pointed to me, but screamed in Nico's face.

I stood up. "Brook he's my nephew. Our problems shouldn't effect him. Last night when I came home all he kept saying was he misses me. Then he wanted to stay with me all night. We need to set our issues aside for his sake." I tried to reason with her.

"I don't want my son with you because you have ignored that I exist for over 3 years. You got Nico in on it too." She said looking a little hurt.

"Have dad take Mikey and we can talk in the kitchen nicely if you want." I wanted to settle this.

"Fine" she said while taking Mikey from Michael and walking up to the kitchen.

Nico and I met her and Michael up stairs.

"Okay, I guess say how you feel. But, it won't add up to the amount of hurt you've caused me in the past 3 and a half years of my life" I said as I watched her roll her eyes.

"You dropped me out of your life and have ignored me ever since! Nico even chose sides! You were my best friend and left me while I was pregnant." She stated

"Brooklyn, you were pregnant with my boyfriends baby. I caught you two together." I said surprised that I wasn't crying.

"You never gave me the chance to explain anything. See while you were with Michael you guys set me up with his friend Daniel. I thought I actually liked Daniel. Until he took advantage of me! I said no! And he continued to do what he wanted with me." She began crying as Michael hugged her.

I just stood there in shock. Nico's hands were in fists as he clenched his jaw.

"So you're saying he raped you?" Nico questioned in a whisper.

Brooklyn sniffled out a "yes".

"Mikey isn't even mine Bella" Michael said looking sorry.

"So he's Daniels" I said slowly. Michael just nodded as Brook cried into his chest.

Nico slammed his hand onto the island and walked into the living room.

I stood there processing what they are telling me.

"That doesn't explain why I found the two of you together. Why you chose to comfort Brook and hurt me, your girlfriend!"

Nico came back breathing heavily

"I need to finish the story... Michael came over one day looking for you and walked into our room. But, you weren't home. I was home alone. I was in my bed crying my eyes out with a pregnancy test in my hands. He saw it and was there to comfort me. He promised not to tell anyone, but I still needed someone. So, he helped me; he listened to me cry for days. It was only a matter of time before we had feelings for each other. I didn't want those feeling because I knew you loved him. Michael didn't want the feelings either, but you were strong and I wasn't, Bella. I thought maybe getting rid of that tension between the two of us would solve the issue. So we had sex...it was inevitable at that point. We only planned on it happening once. Then you walked in on us. There was no way to explain it and I wasn't ready to tell anybody about Daniel. Michael and I figured you would be okay eventually."

I stayed silent just staring at them.

"Then the next month I was pregnant. And I knew it Mikey wasn't Michael's. But, he promised to take care of me and my baby. You saw the sonogram pictures and had the right to think what you did. But, you and Nico had no right to shut me out. I wasn't given the chance to speak and even if I was, I was too weak to admit all of it." She was sobbing.

My chest was heavy with guilt. I can't believe she was raped. I can't believe I ignored her. Mikey isn't Mike's. I sat down in the chair next to me. Everything Brook just told me kept replaying in my mind.

"You and Nico are the only ones who know that Mikey isn't Michael's. Not even mom and dad."

"Brook I'm so sorry! I had no idea you went through any of that and all that time I turned my back." I said but giving her space.

She ran around the counter and hugged me.

"Please forgive me. I'm so so sorry. I know I hurt you very bad. I took your boyfriend and your happiness. I was also a total bitch. I should have just told you. We were best friends since you were in mom's belly and I ruined it." She continued to sob as I hugged her back.

Now I was crying. She let go and hugged Nico too.

He started apologizing and started crying. The three of us were a mess.

I still wanted to talk to Michael and I could tell he wanted to talk to me by the way he was looking at me.

"Bella come on the porch with me please." He said almost inaudible

I nodded my head and followed him out the door.

There was a few minutes of silence, but then he spoke.

"I guess I have to start with how sorry I am. I'm sorry I hurt you so bad. I'm sorry I never explained to you. I'm sorry I turned your friends against you. I didn't mean to do any of that. It's just how everything went because it all happened so fast. I didn't threaten your friends. Daniel started that rumor because he knew the baby was his. He was angry with me, so he tried to turn you against me even more."

I looked at him, but couldn't find the words to say how I felt.

" I loved you I really did. You were my first love, but I didn't know how to show it. I didn't know how to show how much you meant to me. I also don't want you to think I'm with Brooklyn because I feel obligated to. I don't feel that way. " he paused and looked down.

"I'm in love with her." He whispered

I could tell he genuinely felt bad about what he was telling me.

"You know I've been hurting since I found you guys together. I don't trust anyone. But, I'm happy for the both of you." I said trying not to sound hurt

"Thanks...I guess. I love Mikey, too. I love him more than anyone or anything. He's not mine biologically, but in his eyes I'm his dad. So, in my eyes, he's my son and I'll never treat him otherwise" he was getting really emotional

"I get it Michael. I think Brooklyn and my nephew are very lucky to have you"

"Are we good? Or can we tolerate each other at least."

"Yea we're good, I guess. " Somehow finding the strength to smile at him.

"I'm sorry that you're still hurting. I feel guilty all the time." He says looking into my eyes this time.

"No,I get it, don't feel guilty. I have problems with one of my own relationships now. This time I messed it up." I admitted

"Well if the guy was smart he would forgive you."

I nodded shocked at what he just said and we went back inside.


Now we understand what actually happened.

Did anyone think Brooklyn had her own reasons for fighting with Bella?

I know a lot of shit is happening. If anyone is confused ask me questions.

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