17. My Bright Future

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Bella POV

The next morning I woke up a little late. It was 11:30 AM and I was hungry. I showered and then went to get Brielle for lunch.

We walked to my favorite cafe down the street and I got my usual; a mocha iced coffee and a chocolate chip muffin. I wasn't really in the mood for lunch, I wanted breakfast.

"So what are you doing today?" I asked Brielle.

"Going on a date with Jamie. I have to be at his house for 3." She replied

"Where are you guys doing?"

"Go karting, dinner and a late movie."

"Wow, sounds like fun. I can drive you to Jamie and Tyler's. I really want to talk to Tyler."

"Okay, I hope everything goes well with you two. According to Jamie,
Tyler is a wreck at home too. He's also in a ton of pain with his knee." She informed me

"Thanks...I had a feeling he would be in a lot of pain. It kills me that he's miserable too."

<later that day>

"Bell lets go! I miss Jamie" she was so restless all day.

"Okay, go out to my car."

We knocked on the door and Jamie opened it real quick. He stopped and pointed at me with a questioning look.

"I'm here to talk to Tyler." answering his question before he asked.

"Okay, just know that he's really tired and grumpy. He's on the couch in the living room." I thanked him and walked inside.

I saw him sitting on the couch. He must have heard me walking because he looked up at me.

He looked at me with the same look Jamie just looked at me with.

"We need to talk" I said standing in the doorway of the living room.

"Um uhh I-I guess...If you feel like you want to. Sit down."

I sat down on the couch and faced Tyler. He turned toward me and groaned when he had to move his leg.

"What did you want to talk about?" He questions

"About what happened last week. I made a mistake and I'm really sorry. I was being selfish and unfair."

He sighed and looked me right in my eyes. I looked back into his beautiful brown eyes and waiting for him to speak.

"Don't be sorry because you were right. You weren't being unfair or selfish. Bella you knew what was best for you."

I loved the way my name sounded coming out of his mouth. It made me get butterflies and an urge to kiss him.

"Tyler, clearly I didn't know what I was talking about because I've been regretting my decision since I made it. My heart has been aching, my chest has been heavy, I have a knot in my stomach and I can't sleep. All I want to do is be with you. I want to be in your arms like that morning last week. And I know that you are feeling the same way. Don't deny it because it's obvious and I ask Jamie about you daily. He tells me the truth. Please just- I know you want to be with me just as much as I want to be with you." I was crying in front of Tyler again!!

"Um...well I'll eventually learn to live with the fact that I don't deserve y-" I cut him of by kissing him.

His lips were so soft and he responded immediately go my lips. I had one hand on his chest and the other in his hair. I felt one of his hands on my lower back and one on my face. I was lost in the moment. The feeling of his lips against mine and his hands on my body made my mind go crazy. This kiss ended with a grunt and Tyler grabbing his leg.

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