27. Lucky

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<2 weeks later>

Bella POV

I woke up with Tyler laying on top of me. He began to stir. His eyes opened as he moved off me. He smiled at me and pulled me close to him. My head was on his chest now.

"Good morning Ty" I kissed his forehead.

"Good morning Bells" he pecked my lips.

"Baby, I have to leave for a road trip in a few hours. I have to shower and pack." He didn't look too happy about leaving. I know I don't want him to go.

"Four days right?" I hoped it was nothing more.

"Yea" he sighed "It'll be quick. I play 3 games in 4 days"

"I want a goal for me in each game" I joked

"Then you will get at least 3 goals this road trip" he laughed. "Ok I gotta shower" he began to get up.

"I'm coming" I said following him to the bathroom. He turned and gave me a smirk, "you are abnormally horny these passed two days"

"It's your fault" I blamed him as I stepped into the shower. He was already facing the water, so I just hugged him from behind. I laid my head against his back until he turned around.

"I love you" I said quietly.

"I love you too" he began to wash my hair.

"Tyler, don't go please" I felt myself begin to cry.

"Don't cry baby. Please don't...it makes me feel so guilty. You have class to focus on. I'll call and text you whenever I'm not on the ice." I just nodded against his chest. "If I didn't have to save my energy, I'd do you right here right now" Ty laughed.

"Ugh stop! I'm so horny, but all I want to do is cuddle you right now. I feel really weird" damn I was really emotional.

"C'mon I'll make you breakfast, but then I gotta go" Tyler reasoned with me

We got out of the shower and got dressed. Tyler made me eggs and bacon, but had to leave.

Brielle walked down the steps with Jamie and came to sit in the kitchen with me.

"I don't want them to go Bella" Brielle complained.

"Me either. I keep saying its only 4 days."

The boys left and I decided to start eating. The bacon was bothering me. Usually, I would eat that first. I put the egg in my mouth and it made me feel disgusting, so I spy it out.

"Bella are you okay?" Brielle gave me a strange look.

"I don't know. I feel really weird" I answered

"Like what?" She was getting curious.

"I don't even know. I'm just tired, can't eat, ridiculously horny, emotional and all I want is to cuddle with Tyler" I spoke.

"Um, Bella, when was the last time you and Ty had sex" she asked

"We haven't since the first time...2 weeks ago. But, my period isn't supposed to come until...yesterday" oh fuck.

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