24. We Really Like You

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Bella POV

I woke up to the sun in my eyes and the sound of Tyler's heartbeat...my favorite sound. I turned so that the sun wasn't on my face. Tyler turned with me. His face was buried in my chest and one of his arms was wrapped around me.

I listened to him breathe softly as I looked around the room. There are photos from when he was a baby until  now and trophies everywhere.

There was a picture on his night stand of him and his sisters. Tyler was on the left with a big cheesy smile, Cassidy in the middle with her face in her hands and Candace on the end smiling nicely. That picture made me smile. There was one with them outside. Tyler was acting like a goofball and Candace was hysterically laughing. This time Cassidy was smiling nicely. The medals and trophies all around impressed me. They were from championships, MVP awards and many more. There was a Bruins jersey on the wall by the door. I'm happy he's on Dallas now.

"That is my jersey from the Stanley Cup...the night we won it" Tyler scared me. I didn't even know he was awake. I looked down at him and smiled.

"Were you watching me look around your room the entire time?" I giggled

"Yup! And I was awake when you were watching me 'sleep'" he smirked

"Mhmm Tyler okay" he tried to kiss me. "No I didn't brush my teeth yet"
He laughed and kissed me anyway.

"Last night was different" Tyler brought up. I could feel myself blushing at my thoughts. "You were good at it too!" Tyler's smirk hasn't left his face.

"Okay then Bubs" I knew he was going to start asking questions.

"Have you done that before? I find it weird that we've never said or done anything sexual before."

"Tyyy"I rolled my eyes. He just started at me waiting for an answer.
"Yes, and only that. I've never gone further than a hand job." Tyler's eyes went wide and he pushed himself up on his elbows. I just hid my face in his neck.

"Bell, it's okay. I never knew that. Even though, I would have liked to know you were a virgin." He spoke so calmly.

"Why do you think that and why would you have liked to know?" I don't get why it makes a difference. My face was still in his neck.

"Look at me" I pulled my head back. "I thought that because you were in a relationship for a while. And if we did it last night I could have hurt you. I wouldn't have known how to take care of you. Now I know though. It's all okay." I just nodded.

He kissed my nose and leaned his forehead to mine. "I love you, Bella"

"I love you, too, Tyler"

"I'm hungry. My mom is probably making breakfast." He slowly got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I sighed and sat up stretching. He was out in a few minutes and I went in to brush my teeth.

Before going into the bathroom I took notice of Tyler in his boxers. He is so beautiful. How did I ever get so lucky?

"Actually,  I'm the one that got so lucky. But thanks and yes you spoke your thoughts out loud again."

I just rolled my eyes and closed the bathroom door. When I was done we walked downstairs to the kitchen. Tyler's parents and Cassidy were there getting ready for breakfast.

"Morning Buddy" Tyler's father hugged him and turned to me to say good morning.

"Good morning guys!" Wow she had a lot of energy in the morning. Tyler walked over, kissed her head and continued toward his mom. She was cooking chocolate chip pancakes and  and hash browns. Jackie hugged and kissed him then did the same to me.

We sat down before his mother spoke again. "Tyler I'm making your favorite". Tyler's face lit up. I guess he didn't realize what she was making.

"And Bella want to come get your nails done with me." I looked over at Tyler who nodded and smiled at me.

"Are you sure Tyler? I know you want to spend time with them."

"I have a few more days. They want to get to know you." My heart was suddenly picking up speed. I was getting really anxious.

"Okay! Sound like fun"


About an hour later I found myself picking out a nail color with Jackie. We haven't really talked much about Tyler and I, which I'm grateful for, but I could feel it coming.

"I'm happy you came with me. I want you to know we really like you, especially Cassidy." She chuckled "As for Tyler, I've never seen him like this before. He's so in love with you...I don't know if he's told you that or not. He hasn't even told me, but I know that look in my sons eyes."

I was so happy to hear that from her. Ty really was right when he said they would love me.

"Well, I'm very happy you guys like me. I was so nervous, because I know how much family means to him. He tells me countless stories about everyone, especially the girls. And just so you know, I love him too...so much. You raised an amazing man and I'm so lucky to be with him. " I can't believe I just told his mother that I love him. It's the truth though, so I'm okay happy I did.

"I think he's even more lucky to have you. I don't know how much you know about his past, but it was scaring me. I feel much better that he actually had a girlfriend that cares about him. All those girls were out for the money and fame, but I don't see that in you." Those words just made my day. I was so scared she would think I am like those girls.

"Oh my gosh. You just really made me happy. I was so scared you would think I'm like that. The media hasn't said the nicest things about me. I was hoping you didn't judge me by that. Honestly, I have my plans for the future. I'm going to make my own money that I earn through my career. I don't plan on spending his. That's his hard earned money." I smiled at her feeling much better.


"Tyler my brother is begging to see me and wants to meet you. Do you want to go see him tomorrow?" I didn't know how to feel about this.

"Of course, but what about your parents? And if your comfortable, your sister too?" I was hoping he wouldn't ask, but I guess it's only fair.

"Okay...I guess them, too. I'll call my brother in the morning."



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