Chapter 8: The Goblin Tunnels

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The Company left Rivendell the morning after. The group got to see much of the wilderness of Middle-earth as they hiked over ranges, mountains, and plains. The Company had finally reached the Misty Mountains. They journeyed on a dangerous trail, with a cliff on one side and a drop on the other. A fierce storm emerged, with lightning and rain surrounding them. The stone beneath their feet crumbled.

"Hold on!" Thorin shouted. "We must find shelter!"

"Watch out!"

Eili followed Dwalin's gaze to see a massive boulder as it hurtled through the air. It hit the mountain above the Company and caused rocks to tumble down before them. Eili pressed herself into the mountain, hoping it would shield her.

"This is no thunderstorm; it's a thunder battle! Look!" Balin pointed into the distance. A stone giant tore a large boulder from the top of a nearby mountain.

"Take cover, you'll fall!" Thorin yelled, trudging along the path.

"What's happening?"

Suddenly, the mountain began shaking again. Another stone giant appeared behind the Company. The two giants began throwing boulders at each other. It seemed they were in the middle of a battle. The rocks beneath their feet began to give way. The ground between them split, dividing the Company.

"Kili! Grab my hand! Ki..." Her  brother shouted, desperation in his voice.

The two giants began to fight with their fists and Eili hugged the mountain as much as she could. Fili held onto her tightly. She eyed her older brother, who's group managed to jump to a different spot. They appeared to be on one of the giants legs.

The earth shook again as a third stone giant appeared, throwing a boulder at the giant Eili's group stood upon. The boulder flew into their giant, causing it to lose its footing. They were falling quickly towards another part of the mountain. They would be crushed! Fili tightened the grip on his sisters arm.

The stone they stood upon collided with the mountainside. The impact sent them all flying and they roughly landed onto a cliff. Everything was dark and Eili felt a warm substance cover her hand. Blood. She lied on the rock of the mountain, her brother's arms secured around her. Fili hugged his sister tightly, shielding them from debris. "Are you alright?" He whispered.

"Just a scratch. And you?"

"I'm fine."

"No! No! Fili! Eili!" Eili could hear her uncle shouting faintly.

Footsteps approached them and groans erupted from the Company. They stood up carefully, brushing off the dust and rubble that covered them. Kili and Thorin rushed over to Fili and Eili, hugging them with mighty strength.

"We're all right!" Balin cheered. "We're alive!"

"Where's Bilbo?" Bofur asked as he searched. "Where's the Hobbit?"


Bilbo hung onto the edge of the cliff by his fingertips. Ori dived onto the ground and went for Bilbo's arm, but the hobbit slipped and fell another few feet. Thorin swung down on the cliff next to Bilbo and boosted him up. Eili grabbed his hand and pulled him to safety. Thorin suddenly lost his grip and fell further down the cliff. Dwalin quickly grabbed him and pulled him back onto the trail.

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