Chapter 22: The Reunion of Durin's Folk

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The Company hadn't spoken a word since arriving at the table. The only sound filling the air was the clinking of cups against the table, loud chewing, and hums of satisfaction. The meal Eili and Bilbo prepared was fairly small, considering the group's massive appetites, but it was enough fuel to keep them running for the time being.

"Delicious, as always," Balin complimented, tearing the last piece of meat from his bone.

Murmurs of agreement erupted from the dwarves. Eili and Bilbo shared a looked before smiling at them in thanks.

"I did have some help," the dwarf princess said, winking at Bilbo.

Her eyes travelled across the room to Thorin, who was leaning against the doorway with his back facing the table. His arms were crossed over his chest and his head was turned away from the group.

"Thorin, aren't you going to eat anything?" Bifur asked.

The king grunted wearily. Thorin had already been asked this question many times, and he was growing tired of it. He moved towards the table and snatched a rabbit leg, hoping to satisfy, and silence, the others. In mere seconds, he devoured it, threw the bone to the ground, and left.

Eili stood from her bench, ready to follow her uncle, but before she could act, Balin grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down to her seat.

"It's no use, lass. You've already tried many times before."

Eili paused for a moment.

"Forgive me, but I cannot think in this place," the dwarf stated, quickly excusing herself from the dining room.

She weaved through the kingdom until she was met with chilly winter air. Eili stood at the ramparts that overlooked the mountains. The dwarf princess tugged on her clothes and pulled them closer to her body, trying to protect herself from the cold.

She sat on a nearby rock and placed her head in her hands. Eili exhaled deeply, causing her breath to form a visible fog. The dwarf's mind flooded with memories of the smoke that poured from Smaug's mouth. She tightly shut her eyes, trying to dispel the negative scene. The whistling of the wind swallowed the dwarf. Eili remained still until she heard footsteps behind her. She didn't have to turn to see who it was.

"I told the others I'd come and check on you. Balin said that this has happened before, but I still wanted to make sure you were feeling alright," Bilbo timidly approached Eili. "Are you?"

"Too many things are happening at once. Thorin, he... It's becoming extremely hard to reason with him. I- I don't know what to do," she said as she took a shaky breathe.

"That's not my Uncle in there, Bilbo," Eili exclaimed, pointing towards the mountains and shaking her head. "Not anymore."

The hobbit's face fell with worry. "This Dragon Sickness you spoke of... Is there no cure?"

Eili looked to him doubtfully. "Not that I've heard of."

"No? Not even the Arkenstone itself?"

Eili gazed at the hobbit quizzically, trying to read his facial expression. She could tell Bilbo was hiding something, and that he had been for awhile. All of a sudden, her jaw dropped and she reflexively brought a hand to her mouth. Eili stared at the hobbit with wide eyes, her face painted with realization. Bilbo looked over his shoulder, making sure they were alone, before turning back to Eili.

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