Chapter 20: Gold Beyond Measure

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Eili's eyes were fixed on the floating houses of Laketown. She thought of Bard and his children. She thought of her kin and her brothers. She prayed that they would all be alive in the end.

The dwarf could hear the others, who shivered as the whistling wind nipped at their skin. Eili herself wasn't cold at all. It was as if she could feel the dragon's fire on her cheeks.

"Eili, look away," Her uncle said. "You do not need to see this."

"A beast that we released is attacking a town of innocent people, not to mention our kin. How could I possibly look away from that?" She spoke.

Smaug swooped down and fire spewed from his mouth. Her eyes did not leave the burning town. The dwarf slumped to the ground and continued to watch Laketown's demise from the mountain side. Bilbo joined her.

She felt a tremendous amount of guilt. The destruction of this town was certainly their fault, that Eili could not deny. People would lose everything they ever knew because of The Company.

The dwarf thought of her brothers once more. She would hug them and kiss them when they returned. Eili imagined seeing Kili healthy again. It would be a miracle if he survived dragon fire and illness.

She tore her eyes away from the burning town for a moment. It was the first time her eyes had left the sight. The dwarf looked at Bilbo. Somehow, seeing his face brought her comfort.

A mighty roar drew Eili's gaze back to the drowning town. Smaug soared through the air and dove towards a section of buildings on the outskirts of Laketown. He scorched the rooftops and covered walkways in fire. The town was drenched in flames.

"Poor souls." Balin said quietly.

Eili turned to look at him. They exchanged a look of sadness. Her eyes then fell to Thorin. He wasn't gazing at Laketown like the rest of The Company. Instead, he stared into the halls of Erebor. Eili quickly turned back. She could worry about him later.

Suddenly, Smaug flew from the city and up into the air. He flapped his wings mightily. And then he stopped. The dragon became limp. He plummeted into the ruins of Laketown below. The sound of Smaug's corpse crashing into the town echoed throughout the land.

"What was that?" Ori asked. "What happened?"

"It fell. I saw it." The hobbit piped.

Eili grabbed his arm. They shared an expression of relief and shock.

"It's dead. Smaug is dead!" Eili exclaimed.

"By my beard! I think they're right! Look there! The ravens of Erebor are returning to the mountain!" Gloin said happily.

The Company watched as several dark birds flew towards the Lonely Mountain.

"Aye - Word will spread," Balin informed. "Before long every soul in Middle Earth will know. The dragon is dead!"

They laughed and smiled with glee. Eili's grin quickly faded as she caught a glimpse of Thorin. He hurried down from the cliff they stood upon and moved to the gates of Erebor.

The dwarves stood at the mountain side for several moments before following the dwarf king.


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