Chapter Twenty Four

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*Karma's P.O.V.*

It's Shane. It figures he'd meet us here, rather than the other way around. He doesn't have a car so I guess he walked, or got a ride from Liam.

*Shane's P.O.V.*

Time Reverts Back a Minute

I'm walking over to Amy's house, and I'm right at the door step about to knock when the door opens and something hits me. Karma. Huh... Where's Amy ... And why is Karma already here? "Hey, Karma." I say sounding like a question rather than a sentence. "Where's Amy?"

She takes a second to reply but when she does she says, "Hey, she's just getting her keys,  then we're going."

"Alright, so how's my friend been? I haven't gotten to see her since I set up her date?"

"Amy's fine. We've just been preoccupied."

"Karma. I was talking about you. How are you doing?" I said with a large grin on my face. "And it sounds to me like someone just isn't good at sharing her." I poke Karma's stomach.

"I'm okay, and no. I know how to share Amy. I just don't want to." She smirks and Amy walks out behind her.

Karma and I sorta just stand there for a moment, staring at Amy with wide smiles. "What is this? A hangout or a staring contest?" Amy says as she walks pushing through us lightly, and makes her way to her car.

I flash a look to Karma, as she does the same and we turn to Amy and just walk to her car. It's not actually her's, it's both her's and Lauren's, but they have to share it. We all pile in the car, and I end up taking shotgun from Karma, just to prove my point that she's not good at sharing Amy. She crossed her arms and pouted. I still can't help but wonder why she was already there, like if Amy would have picked her up, why would she have went back to her house and wouldn't she have already had her keys on her? What if they did the frick frack, man? That's probably why she stayed over. I'm pulled out of my thought by someone saying, "So Shane, where are we going?" It's Amy who has her hands gripping the steering wheel.

"Well, I'd recommend this cool underground club, but it's daytime so that's out... How about you guys choose?"

"Alright, Karma where do you wanna go?"

She unwrapped her arms, and answered "Well, there is this new cafe I'd love to check out."

"Oh my god, Caffei-noted?" Amy says happily. "Of course you'd wanna go there." She says as she pulls out of the driveway.

I had no idea what it was but it didn't really matter much. "What? Is it so wrong that I'd wanna go to a karaoke place while I get coffee with my girlfriend?"

"No, it's just... You've never been able to sing in front of people. Just me."

I join in, "So... Speaking of you two. Did you bump uglies?"

"Ugh... Shane you pervert," she takes one hand and lightly pushes me. "And if you must know, no. We haven't bumped uglies."

"Aw that's no fun. So was that just a girls' night?"

Karma chimes in from the backseat, "Sorta." while she's holding the back of her head. That's one of her tells. She holds her head when there's something she's keeping a secret.

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