16. Touchy Subject

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We sat there for awhile longer because Dakota insisted on me finishing my food. They discussed how to get back at The Raiders as I sat there mulling over the information I had just been told.

The basic information only made me think of more questions. How come The Raiders decided to mess with Trish and the crew out of everyone? Why not go for another crew? How could this Zeke guy do something like this to them? Why did they decide to put a spy in our group? Who were the rest of The Raiders? Endless questions that I wanted to ask but I didn't want to ask to many at a time.

I now knew why Trish said she didn't do romance. I looked at her, her eyes on Jacob as she intently listened to what he was saying. Her heart had been broken and her trust levels low.

"Let's go."

I nodded my head and we began the walking back home. I watched as Thayer put Theo in a headlock and they tumbled down the sidewalk. An old couple scowling at them as they almost bumped into them.

"Sorry!" Theo called, laughing as he shoved Thayer.

Dakota and Trish watched laughing, as Paul and Jacob whistled at a group of girls walking by.

" Hey Paul, Jacob." I called.

They slowed down their pace until they were matching with mine.

"Cole my man, are you seeking lady help?" Paul questioned as he was looking at yet another group of girls.

I laughed. "I'm not at the moment. But if I ever need help I'll come to you two first."

"Good thinking. What did you want to ask us?" Jacob asked.

I hesitantly asked my question. "Have you ever tried to get in contact with your birth parents?"

They were both silent except for the traffic to the left of us and the call of the seagulls overhead.

"We've never tried." Paul spoke, keeping his eyes straight ahead.

"How come?"

He eyed me warily before glancing at Jacob, who was still silent.

"Why get in contact with two people who didn't want us? We've bounced out of to many different adoptive houses around town before one family took us in."

His logic made sense but I still had to try what I was getting to.

"You don't know why they gave you up. There could've been many reasons w-"

"That's the thing Cole, there are many different reasons. But families are supposed to stick together. Not drop half of it because things are tough." Jacob spat.

I opened up my mouth to argue back but he sped up his pace, leaving Paul and I.

"Hey man, don't take it that to heart. It's a sensitive subject to Jacob. I would like to meet them only because I want to know why they gave us up. " His voice was sad, unlike him.

"Okay, and I didn't mean to make Jacob upset. It's just that I'm..." I trailed off.

"Curious." Paul finished as we got close to home.

I gave a half hearted smile at that.

"I'm going to go see my old man. I haven't seen him in the past week."

Paul nodded saying that he would tell everyone where I had went. I made the seven block back to my Dad's place.

"Dad?" I called out. He was rarely off on the weekends but I was hoping it was one of the rare weekends.

"In here Cole." His voice floated from the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen to see him cooking and watching a football game.

"Hey kiddo. How have you been? I haven't seen you all week." He spoke as he turned down the tv and finished cooking.

"I'm good." I sat on one of the stools as I replied.

"How's school?" He asked.

I told him about making new friends and that's why I had been gone all week. I talked about school and football.

"Sounds like you're having fun." He smiled at me as he finished eating. I declined any food.

I smiled back and asked the question I had been meaning to ask him.

"Do you have adoptive records at the station?" I asked as I cleared the table for him.

"No, only records of criminals or kids who have been in jail before. Why?"

"One of my friends is adopted and I just want to help him out."

"Well Cole that's nice to offer but your friend is only the one who can go and get the information he wants. Plus there's paperwork to be done and not to mention if its a open or sealed adoption." He became police-like on me.

I nodded my head at the information, thinking of talking to Paul again. "Thanks Dad."

He smiled at me. "Anytime kiddo." He ruffled my hair on the way to his office.

I grinned at him as he closed his door to do some work.I should start on mine. I went upstairs to my room, glancing around to see that it was exactly the way I had left it. My sheets were wrinkled, there was some clothes scattered around the room. My desk had papers of assignments I hadn't touched in over a week, my closet door was opened revealing all the laundry.

I dropped my back and got to work, starting with laundry. As my laundry was going I began doing my work. When I finished I glanced at the clock, seeing it was late.

I had no idea how the others kept up with theirs. I'd have to ask them how they did it and all the other questions I had.





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