32. Shock And Pain

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"Trish?" Can you hear me?" I asked. I was hovering over her, trying to get her to focus on me or do anything. Her beautiful blue green eyes just continued to stare at the ceiling of the car.

"Cole!" A voice yelled, making me get out of the car. The air was hot and thick, making it hard to breathe. The dust didn't help, I could barely see two feet in front of me.  Out of the dust and debris, Thayer came running at me along with Paul. They were both sweating, as if they had run miles to get to me.

"Where's Trish?" Thayer asked, his eyes wide with panic.

"She's in the car. She won't move, or acknowledge that I'm speaking to her." I inclined my head towards the open back door. Thayer moved around me, into the back seat.

"Where's Jacob?"

"He's under a piece of debris , we need you to help us lift it." His twins voice shook with worry.

"I can't get her to do anything either." Thayer said as he came out of the car.

"Maybe Dakota will, come on." With that, I followed Paul and Thayer through the dust. The glass crunched as we ran, sounding like bones frequently snapping. We ran for what felt like hours and I was drenched in sweat by the time we got to the others.

Theo was looking at Dakota and Jacob, his eyes unblinking. He took out a bottle in this pockets and without looking at how many pills had fallen out, he put them into his mouth.  Dakota was kneeling at Jacobs side. She was holding his hand  and muttering words to him. She looked up as we approached, her makeup was smudged and she looked terrified. Jacob, looked the worse.

From his shoulders to his mid calf was out of view due to the huge chunk of concrete that covered him. His face was white and there was sweat on his forehead due to pain. His chest was rising but quickly. I didn't have be an EMT to know that wasn't good.

"Jacob buddy we're going to have to lift this off of you." Theo told him, turning around.

"H-hurry.. up will you?" He choked out. I couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Yes boss." Paul said, as he grabbed one part of the concrete. We all followed his lead, grabbing it with both hands.

"You got a good grip boys? We don't want to drop it and make his injures worse."

We all chorused a yes and then pulled.

Jacob screamed. It was loud and full of pain, almost like a dying animal. It was then did I realize he wasn't the only one screaming.

All around us were people yelling, screaming and crying. There was a woman, not far from us who was holding the hand of a young boy. I didn't have to go closer to know he was dead. His head was at an odd angle and there was blood pooled around him. The woman, probably his mom, was shaking with grief looking at the ground.

We dropped the piece of concrete only a few meters away from Jacob and scurried back to him. His face was even more paler than before, his left side covered with blood.

"Jacob we gotta go, the emergency services will be here soon enough. " Dakota said as the sound of sirens reached our ears.

He nodded his head and Thayer and I grabbed his legs while Theo and Paul got his arms. He yelled in pain when we picked him up and he cursed the whole way back to the car. The back door was still opened, and Trish was now sitting up. She was looking at the ceiling still and didn't glance up when we placed Jacob, laying beside her,

"I'll take his motorcycle back." I said, and Dakota raced to find it. We found them laying on their sides and there wasn't anything wrong with them. We quickly got on and Dakota went speeding ahead of us and we quickly followed.

We reached back home in minutes. I quickly parked Jacobs motorcycle and Paul jumped off his just as quickly. I opened the back door to my Dad's SUV and grabbed Jacob's legs once more.

We made our way inside, grateful that the bar was closed tonight.

"Dad!" Thayer yelled as we placed Jacob on one of the tables.

His father came out of the back, not looking surprised at the scene before him.

"I'll do what I can to help." He said, making his way to us.

"Wait you're not going to take him to the hospital?" I asked, still panicked.

"No. They're going to have enough on their hands. They'll be questioning people and we wouldn't want to be there when that happened." Thayer said.

"Let me work. You don't want to see your friend in any more pain than he already is." Thayers  dad spoke.

"I'm staying." Paul said. Paul should be the only one to be here. Jacob needed someone by his side.

"We'll be upstairs."

Trish and Dakota were already up there. Dakota helped her out of the car and she was now kneeling beside Trish who was laying on the bed. Her eyes were now closed and her breathing seemed off.

"Is she going to be okay?" I murmured as I came up behind Dakota.

"She's in shock which is why she was acting the way she was." She said quietly as she watched her best friend sleep.

"We're all in shock." I said as I put my hand on her shoulder in comfort, which she grabbed and squeezed.

"Get some rest. We can take turns watching over her tonight just in case anything else goes wrong." Dakota gave me a grateful smile before she climbed up onto the bed above.

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