35. Healing

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Cole's POV

"Cole." A voice said, shaking my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes to see Dakota hovering over me. "It's your turn to watch over Trish."

I groaned, sitting up and stretching. This is how it had been for the past twelve hours. Dakota would watch over Trish to make she didn't get worse and after four hours  she would wake me to watch her.

"She's awake now, if she falls asleep you know the drill." Dakota mumbled as she went back towards her bed, exhausted.

I got up and made my way to the chair that was placed by Trish and plopped myself down.

"Hey." Trish murmured. Her eyes were open, the sheet on the bed was wrapped loosely around her body and she had a sleepy smile on her face. I had the urge to crawl in bed and cuddle her.

Instead, all I said was. "How are you feeling?"

She sighed."Better than the last time I was awake."

I nodded my head making a mental note to tell Thayer's father the next time he came upstairs. "How's Jacob doing?" Trish said quietly a few moments later.

I tried to keep my facial expression normal but I couldn't help the muscles in my face from changing to horror. The bruises and his pale color were etched into my mind and his shaky breathing. I had been down to see him once and I was to scared to go back.

"That bad?" She said when I didn't reply. "Has he woken up yet?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Jamal said it's natural. His mind has to heal just as much as his body does. All of us have to heal." All of us had been dead on our feet  after we slept a good eight hours straight.

"Yea I guess so." She said moving closer to the edge of the bed. We were silent for a few more minutes before I spoke up.

"Where did you go this morning? We all kind of freaked out when you weren't where we thought you'd be." I was putting it lightly. I had awoken to Dakota screaming her head off saying she couldn't find Trish. We had all panicked and tore the place apart looking for her, only for her to come clambering up the stairs moments later.

"I went to see Wiz." She replied, sitting up slowly and rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"What wait? Do you know how stupid that was? He could of killed you or done worse!" My voice started to rise.

She kept her facial expression blank. "I wasn't sure it was our box until I was on my way out of here. I saw Jacob and I had to leave because I blamed myself." I opened my mouth to protest but she silenced me with a look. "I know it's not my fault. It's all his." She finished.

" What did you two talk about? Or did you kick his ass?" I smiled at her.

She returned the gesture, sighing. "No I didn't kick his ass, though I wanted to. I told him that after last nights events we wouldn't be working for him. We argued for a while but I won for now."

"What do you mean for now?"

She rubbed her temples before she met my eyes once more. "He started making threats. Saying he would make sure that we would never move up in the ranks. Which is fine because it's better than working for that dick."

I laughed, agreeing with her. 

"Did he say anything else?"

She shook her head. "I wouldn't have believed his threats if he didn't do what he did. I thought he was just one of those people who talked but didn't take action. But I know differently." I nodded agreeing with her.

"We'll just have to watch our backs." She said.

"Are you going to go back to bed?" I asked her, it was almost five in the morning. She'd been up for an hour and a half with me.

"I don't think so. I don't feel tired for a change." I was glad she was feeling better.

"Shit." She said suddenly, putting her head in her hands.

"What's wrong? Do you need more medicine? Do you want me to get Jamal?" I panicked.

"No no. I just remembered that we have a competition in two weeks. Jacob won't be healed by then."

"Why is that such a bad thing?  I'm not happy that he's in a bad condition but there's still six of us."

"All of us should participate. The judges won't care if one of us can't dance but they'll penalize us." She explained bringing her head out of her hands.

"That's not a bad thing. At least it wasn't a rule that we all have to dance and if we didn't we would be disqualified." I was trying to make her feel better. All this worrying and thinking won't help her heal.

"You're right. But we perform as a group and it'll be the first time not all of us are participating."

"I wanted to talk to you about something." Trish said after we sat there for awhile.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Our date."

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