Cole's POV
I grabbed my bag off the table in the back and made my way to meet up with the crew. It was Saturday night and over the last few days we arranged to meet Wiz on East Side. I had been over on East Side when I first got here. My dad wanted to check out a few places and I tagged along because I had nothing better to do.
I spotted Dakotas familiar Corvette and quickly jumped in my regular front seat. I could see Trish getting on one of the motorcycles. She had on dark blue ripped jeans with a black top that showed off her flat stomach.
"You ready for tonight?" Dakota asked.
"Yea." I responded before I got too into my ogling.
"You should know that Wiz is the real deal. You mess up, you're going to pay. Whether its with your life or not that's up to him." Dakota swerved in and out of traffic following the rest of the crew.
I gulped back my fear at this Wiz guy. Reeker seemed to be an okay guy but Wiz seemed to be a whole other deal.
"Just keep quiet and watch the deal go down." Dakota instructed me and I nodded.
I looked out the tinted windows of the Corvette to see that the buildings had transformed from tourist town to large houses and business buildings. Dakota pulled into a underground parking lot and we gathered with everyone else before going in a building across the road. The building had to have more than 100 floors and made out of glass. Must be a financial building.
"Isn't it weird to do gang business in an business building in the middle of town?" I asked as Thayer pressed the button that read 99.
"They do things differently on East Side. We rather do it in private and out of way of peering eyes while East Side people would rather do it out in the open with an audience." Jacob answered my question.
He had been keeping his distance from me since I talked to him and Paul about his adoptive parents. I was still determined to help them or give Paul the answer he wanted from his parents.
The double elevator doors opened up, revealing the floor made of white tiles and walls made out of glass. I could see into all the offices as they offered no privacy. There was a reception desk a few feet in front of us, made of marble. There was a small room behind the desk, made for breaks for the receptionists. The floor was empty, all the workers gone for the night. I glanced at the time on a nearby clock, it read 9:30. Shouldn't this place be crawling with workers? It wasn't late and it was a Saturday night.
I was going to voice my thought when the door behind the receptionists desk opened. A woman in her early thirties walked out, giving us a warm smile before walking towards us.
"You must be Trish and her crew. Mr. Khalifa is waiting for you." She gestured to us as she started walking behind the reception desk and room. We followed her down a long hallway until we came upon a double set of black heavy metal doors. The receptionist knocked on the door three times, before opening it.
The office was huge. There was expensive looking furniture all around the office and music was playing softly. The room was full of people. Woman were dressed in their best dresses and the men had on suits. They all had wine glasses with bubbly liquid inside, champagne.
No one seemed to pay any attention to us and and I turned to Trish to see she was walking towards someone. We quickly followed behind her to see she had stopped in front of a dark colored desk, with a man sitting behind it. He had a huge amounts of tattoos, from his hands to his neck. He had on a dark blue suit and he had a blunt in between his lips.
Trish stood there looking at the man before he noticed that we were standing there. He calmly put out his blunt and rose before us.
"Let's get down to business."

The Streets
Mystery / ThrillerThey were trouble. You could just tell by looking at them. They didn't talk to anybody, besides others in the group and people in our school spread stories about them all the time. They were intriguing and we all wanted to be apart of them. But of c...