Chapter 3

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Jazzy's P.O.V.~

The day, as predicted, was a drag.  I was so ready to give up and drop out. But I couldn't. So I dragged on until there was a sound of relief. It was the bell to go home. I grab my bag and rush outside and try my damnedest to find my  brother's car. I reach in in bag to find my phone. As I pull it out, I immediately start dialing Eric's number.

Come on pick up the damn phone Eric. Come on, please pick up... Shit voicemail.

"Need a ride, Jasmine? I'll be happy to drive you. Maybe show you around the town. Get you familiar with your surroundings."

Shit, Blake. Well damn since Eric can't pick up a damn phone and forgets shit a lot, guess I have no choice. I just don't want him too.

"Well I don't want to burden you. So I'll be fine with walking home. I'll see all of my surroundings like that. Thanks for the offer though."

"Would you please do me the honors. I won't bite. I promise. And the school is in the middle of nowhere. So walking will be suicide. Come on, please. Don't make me get on my knees and beg you to say yes. Just take a chance and say yes. Just this once. Please."

"Ughh. Fine just this once though after this I'll have my own car and I can drive myself. So don't get too carried away, okay. All you're doing is driving me to my house. And there will be little to NO talking. Got it!"

"Yes ma'am Miss Jasmine."

Blake holds out his hand, waiting for me to take it. All I can do is just stare at him and cross my arms. He places his hand in his pocket and proceeds to his car. Which just so happens to be my dream car. A lime green Lamborghini.

"God does everybody in Cali have Lamborghinis?"

"No not everyone my mom doesn't have one... She has a Hummer. So do I but ya know being a junior I gotta start off big and come out bigger."

HE WINKED AT ME and on the inside I smiled. What the hell is wrong with me. Why did I smile on the inside? We get into the car and he revs the engine, sending a vibrating chill up my body. At that moment I didn't mind smiling only at the roar of the engine. I love the sound of the engines in fast cars. It always tickled me when the engine is being revved.

"So, I'm guessing you like fast cars huh? Considering you got chills running up and down your legs, and that big smile on your face. Not that I'm staring... Uhh just noticing."

"Yea I do. I use to race cars in Virginia. I liked the feeling of the engine. So this just brings back memories."

"It's nice to hear you talk to me. I don't like hearing my engine. But I do like hearing your beautiful voice. Ahh shit sorry no talking. Forgot."

"You can talk. I was just being an ass then. Now I don't mind talking. Guess I'm starting to warm up to you now. So feel lucky."

"The pleasure is all mine Jasmine. Oh and about me and Courtney, don't worry about it. After class I officially broke up with her. She cheated for the last time. So I'm done with her."

"I hope your not planning on trying to make a move on me. 'Cause if so it's not gonna work. I already told you. No friends... Or boyfriends. I wanna finish school solo."

"Alright. But before you seal that decision, can I at least give you one kiss. On the cheek if you want it to be non emotion filled kiss."

"Okay Blake, we um have one class together. So I've seen you once today. I think that you might be rushing into this. Way to soon."

"Actually we have all 4 classes together. But you wouldn't know since in all the classes you slept in the very back. And when I tried meeting up with you after class you always rushed out of the door. I couldn't catch you. I wanted to try to talk to you but you always disappeared in the crowd. And when I got to the next class you were already sleeping. I didn't want to wake you."

"Oh well sorry... Take a left here. Then it should be the house all the way at the end of this street. It's the big house, right here. Thanks Blake. I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Jasmine... My kiss? I mean since I live next door I think I'm entitled for a little lip action. Right? And I won't bite. Promise."

Without thinking, like the idiot I am, I turned to him and kissed him, it was supposed to be just a peck on the cheek, but I wanted him to not ask anymore, so I pressed my lips against his. After realizing a few emotions were involved I pulled back quickly.

Damn it. No boyfriends, Jasmine. What the hell is wrong with you?

"Well I didn't expect that. So I'm guessing another kiss would not be a problem since that was fairly emotion-filled?"

"Haha you're funny. But no more. I was not expecting that, so, sorry but no. Thanks for the ride Blake."

I ran to the door, and slam it shut. And I just sink to the floor and sigh deeply. What the hell just happened? My head replays the whole thing over and over again. Questions raced through my head.

Why did I do that? Why did I kiss him like that? Was he right when he said that it was 'emotion filled'? What the hell did I just do? Did that lead him on to the fact that I like him? Wait, did I just admit to liking him? What the fuck is wrong with me today? I can't like him. He barely knows me. He can't like me. Can he?

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