Chapter 16

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Marcus' POV~

"How is she taking the bait?"

"Too damn well."

"Are you sure you want to continue this rampage?"

"Fuck you! This is Jazzy! I will kill half of California to find her. Even my own crew. Don't fuck with me on this."

I'm getting sick of punk ass bitches, that I hire, question me about everything I do. But just wait till Jazzy sees the new crew. She never liked the old crew. She may like this one. I can't wait. I'll see her in 24 hours. And not a minute later.

Jazzy's POV~

"Mom, Derek, we need to leave. M- Marcus is back. And he ki- killed Eric. And we need to go. Now. You two need to go. I'll see what he wants. I'll go with him. For you two."

"No I will not leave you to that monster." I looked in my mother's eyes and couldn't hold back my tears, considering she wasn't holding back hers.

"You have to go mom. Please." Derek took my mom and slowly pulled her away from me and walked to the car. He came back moments later and stopped in front of me.

"Here, when you get the chance kill him. I mean it. Kill him. And anyone who tries to stop you. I want you to end this. Maria needs you to end this. For your brother. End him. I'll pack the bags. Call me when it's time to come home. I'm going to call some friends." He kissed my forehead and walked away. 5 minutes later he walks out. I hear the car drive away and cry silently. Now all that's left to do is wait. I run upstairs into my room and fall asleep on my bed. Waiting for him. I know he will find me. He always does.

My phone starts going off and I look at the time. 3:45am. Unknown Caller. It's him.

"What do you want Marcus?"

"Isn't obvious. I want you. And only you. I'll kill anyone for you. Even your new boyfriend Blake. Yeah. I know about him. So where are you. I'll send a car your way now."

"Go to Hell asshole."

"So your mom's house. The real pretty one on Elms Street. At the top of the hill on the right. Come outside. I've been sitting out here for quite some time now."

He hung up on me. I get up and slowly walk to my bedroom door and down the stairs to the front door. Turning the knob slowly, the door is shoved open.

"Hello beautiful." He holds out his hand, expecting me to take it. Yeah right. I push past him and walk to the car. And waited.

"My bad, my love. I forgot you like that romantic shit."

"Did you get me confused with another one of your sluts. Again." He opened the door and I got in. He slid in the front seat like the slimy snake he is and we were off.


We drove for a good hour and a half until we reached this warehouse. Typical I know. But Marcus is a cliché fuck. But I can't change him. No one can. He gets out and opens the door for me.

"I want to see Eric. I don't care if he's dead. I want to see him."

"In due time my love. But first I want to introduce you to the new crew."

He lead me inside. And my heart broke. My stomach was in knots. And I fell to my knees. My eyes. My eyes could not stop staring at the man I loved. And his best friend. Holding my brother. Who was alive. And bleeding. And at gunpoint. And I blacked out. I took the gun and started shooting. I shot until I couldn't shoot anymore. I looked at the damage and saw 2 people were still standing. Eric. And Blake. It was over with Marcus. And it will be over with Blake. But right now I just ran to Eric and held him while we both cried.

"Eric. I am so sorry. I will get you out of here. I promise. I love you big brother."

"For a second I thought you were gonna shoot me. You almost did until Blake's friend Nick blocked it."

Right, Blake. I stood up and punched him.

"How could you. I trusted you. I loved you and you were with him the whole time. Why did you do it?"

"He came to me before we met. Offered a lot of money to get close to you. In any means necessary. So I did. I'm sorry. At first it was strictly business. But after a while. I began to love you. And I tried to get him to stop. To leave you alone. He refused. But I didn't stop. I helped Eric. Told him what Marcus' plans were. And we made a plan of our own. He figured you come in here shooting. Said Derek always had your back. So we went from there. He was the one that told us to duck."

"Which didn't work considering you shot me. But it kinda did since I always wear a vest. Look if it wasn't for Blake's love for you he wouldn't have helped your brother."

"Not to mention, I saw these fuckers talking to Marcus. I had to use my side money to pay them to work for me. So fuck you. And your welcome."

"So I've been played this whole time." Damn it Marcus was still alive. "Fuck. Eric you're good. I've taught you well. But Blake. I got some unfinished work. Since you've fallen in love with my girl. And took a beating from me. I wasn't fully satisfied. So now I'm going to finish what I came here to do. Kill all of you except for Jasmine." 3 shots went off. And everything went blank.

Eric's POV~

All of Derek's guys came rushing in and scared off Marcus. They ended up taking a few of his crew members that were hiding in the shadows after Jazzy's shoot out she had. Which reminds me. Where is she? I am frantically looking for her until I see Blake. Hunched over a body. Jazzy's. I look for Nick and see him lying there with a bullet in his head. I look back at Jazzy and see two bullets in her. I couldn't look anymore. So I walked away. I saw Derek. I looked him directly in the eyes. Tears kept falling out. And I walk away. Past the ambulance and beyond that. I just kept walking. I didn't want to see her like that. I couldn't.

Blake's POV~

"Jasmine. Please. Come back to me. Please. I love you Jasmine. Please." I kept repeating those words, even after the EMT's took her away from me. She took a bullet for me. And Eric. Nick. My best friend. He's gone. And Jazzy. The love of my life. I can't believe I did this to her. This is all my fault. She's... gone.

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