Chapter 5

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I walk in the house and sink to the floor, with a wide grin on my face. I get up and walk to my room, and throw my closet doors open, and walk in searching for something extremely cute. I find my skin tight black and white short dress and the black leggings that go with it. I dig through my shoes and find the perfect black heels. I strip out of my tank and shorts and throw on the tights, dress, and heels, I straightens my hair, and apply the perfect amount of makeup. I grab my bag and run down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hey mom what's for breakfast? I'm starving and need some food in this tiny belly of mine."

Her mom turns and faces her with a huge smile. I rarely see my mom smiling like that, so it could either be her controlling her anger, or her being extremely happy. It was usually hard to tell for me.

"Jazzy, dear. Eric told me that you had a boy in your car, and he was in his boxers, and you were in your tank top and shorts. Do you want to explain why you had a boy in his boxers IN YOUR CAR?"

That smile was her controlling her anger, which obviously didn't work. So now I had to find a way to calm her down and find a way to explain what happened without making it sound bad.

"Well mom this morning I woke up extra early and wanted to take my car for a test drive. But I didn't want to waste a second by changing my clothes. So I went outside and so much excitement overwhelmed me that I screamed and the boy across the street heard it and thought I was in trouble so he came out to see what was wrong, then when he saw that I wad okay he wanted to come with me on the test drive. So I said yes. AND before you freak out, the boy was the one who drove me home yesterday, since Eric forgot, and said that I never told him. But I did. And left notes all over for him too. I'm sorry it concerned you but since we are in a different state, I'm going to start fresh. Plus I'm still a virgin, okay. That won't change for a while. Now if you don't mind I have school I gotta go to. Don't wanna be late now do I?"

I kissed my mom on her cheek grabbed the hidden bacon from behind her and run out of the front door. I once again slide into the driver seat of my new Porsche and backed out of the driveway and start down the street only to see Blake standing in the middle of the street. I slammed on my brakes and glare at him with a little smirk on my face. He runs to the passenger seat and gets in. I look at him and giggle.

"My damn car won't start. So I need a ride to school. Hope you don't mind. But I don't need to be late or get anymore detention. Also, you look absolutely sexy today. I think you did that for me. Right? I hope so. I don't want anyone else to get to you. Not that I'm the jealous type, and I'm not the claiming type but damn. I love that dress on you."

I blushed and rev the engine. I zoom down the street and onto the highway and headed straight to school, but I decided to take the long way to school. Just so I could spend more time with Blake.

"To be honest, I so did not put this dress on for you. I just closed my eyes and picked an outfit and found shoes to go with it. So all of this is not for you sweetie. Sorry to burst your bubble. So um, about this morning, well earlier this morning. With my asshole of a brother. Um just know he says shit like that, shit that's not true. I'm not a slut, I haven't had a boyfriend, well a good one, and I'm still a virgin, and my first kiss was with you. But back in Virginia I had a hell of a lot of guy friends, but that's it."

"Well Jazzy don't worry about. I knew you weren't. I'm sorry you gotta deal with that asshole everyday. A beautiful girl shouldn't be treated like shit. But hey I gotta question. Since you're amazing at art, and we have a project that is considered a test, I need help with that. We have to have a model and I need help with picking the right colors and ya know shit like that. I already got my model, but I just suck ass at drawing, so could I come over tonight and I can practice my free hand?"

I looked at him and smiled knowing that I was the model for Blake. But I didn't know if I could trust him at my house, in my room, with the door shut. And because we met almost 24 hours. I didn't want to make a reputation for myself about being too easy. So I had to come up with a plausible lie as to why I couldn't do it tonight. Even though I wanted to, I held myself together so I wouldn't get lost in thought. But then I thought back to earlier that morning, mostly about the muscles and abs. I realized, that I was the typical teenage girl. Falling for the most popular boy in school. This could either end badly or fairly well. I was just hoping it wasn't badly.

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