Chapter 15

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Eric's POV~
Fuck this. I leave my house and my family in a means to protect them. And it was a useless attempt. He'll still go after Jazzy. But he ain't gettin a damn word outta me. Not if it means hurting my sister. I'll take the beating.

"Eric. Where is your fine ass sister. Aka my girlfriend?"

"Fuck you. I ain't tellin you shit. So you can go take your little buddy Kyle over there and fuck him. After he fucks you over Marcus. You think Imma tell you where Jazzy is?"

After I said that. I saw red. And it wasn't rage. The fucker hit me a few good times and now I'm bleeding even more than I was. Marcus Delgado was my best friend. And Jazzy's ex. He also is in this bad ass gang in Virginia. Damn near got me and Jazzy killed in a drug run we had one night. The next day we moved West Virginia. Lived there for a year and moved back. Then 6 months later. We moved to Cali. And that's basically where this fucker originated from. Virginia. As he follows my sister in an attempt to win her back. I sure as hell hope that Blake kid can fight.
"You remember my sister Mia right, Eric. The girl who loved you and you left for dead. Well now she's here to-"

FUCK MY LIFE. My fucking phone went off. Marcus looked at it and showed me. And with my GOD DAMN LUCK ITS JAZZY!!

"Hey sweetheart I got your brother for you. Say hi Eric. It's my baby Jaz."

"Hang up and go somewhere else. He'll find you. Run Jazzy RU-"


Marcus's POV~
"Sorry about that pumpkin. But your brother is dead. There is no use saving him. Cuz I shot him right in the head. Now you remember the words 'dead check'. Well" BAM! BAM! BAM! "I think he's dead. Kid got 4 holes in his head. Now you will come to me or I'll kill everyone standing in my way. Including your new boyfriend Blake. I am coming back for you baby. I'll see you soon" I miss seeing my beautiful Jasmine. And that fine ass body of hers. Just wait baby. I'm comin to bring you home.

Jazzy's POV~
He- shot- Eric. I couldn't stop the tears from falling. My brother. My protected. My best friend. Shot. Dead. And what's makes the situation worse was who killed him... Marcus. He's here. And is looking for me. I can't tell mom and Derek. They'll kill me. But honestly I prefer them then Marcus. I dropped my phone and fell to my knees. I honestly couldn't think about him right now. Eric is dead. I know he is. Marcus doesn't play around with 'Dead Check'. My brother is gone. I kept crying. Silently. Effortlessly. I didn't have the strength to pull myself up. Why? Why would Marcus kill his once best friend? Eric was killed. Murdered. It didn't sound right. He's dead.

"Jazzy, what the hell are you doing out here. Did you call Eri-"

"He's dead", I finally said it out loud, hardly believing it though. "Eric is dead. And I need to get my family out of here."

"Babe, what kind of joke is this? What the fuck do you mean he's dead?"

"Marcus is here. And he's coming for me. And anyone who tries to stop him. I need to go." I ran up to him, wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down into my kiss. I pulled away, looked in his eyes and finally said it, "I love you!"

I turned away from him, with tears in my eyes. And walked away. I had to get my family out. And fast. And I couldn't let Blake get involved. I loved him too much. And it scared the hell out of me to say those words.

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