Chapter 17

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2 Weeks Later

Blake's POV~

I'm standing there. In all black. Looking at the casket while it is being lowered into a hole in the ground. To my right. Eric. He's trying his best not to cry. But me. I don't have the strength to hold back. I wasn't going to, if I did. People need to know that I'm hurting. I look up and see Courtney. And wonder what the fuck she's doing here. When everything is said and done. And people begin to walk back to their cars. I walk over to Courtney and pull her arm to face her towards me.

"Ouch Blake. Let go of my arm."

"What the hell are you doing here. Why do you insist of torturing me?"

"Actually asshole. I came to check on you. I know how much you two were close. I'm sorry. I am." She wiggled out of my grasp and walked away. I turned and looked at the grave once more. Shed a few more tears. And walk to my car.

"I'm sorry man." Marcus. I did what I had too. Turned around and swung.

"Fuck you. It should be you in that hole. You did this. This is your fault. I can't wait for someone to do the same shit to you that you did. Put a bullet or two in you." I hop in my car and drive off. In my rear view mirror. I see Eric point a gun at Marcus and pull the trigger. I slammed on my breaks and back up. Eric jumps in and we are off. Back to his hotel.

"He deserved it. For Jazzy. And Nick. He deserves a lot more than one bullet. And you know it. But I had to do it. For them." I kept crying silently. It won't be the same without-. I can't even say it. So I just keep driving. Until we got to the hotel room. I loaded my truck with all my stuff and drove to Minnesota. I don't know why I chose Minnesota. But it was a way for me to get out of Cali. I had to leave that horrible state. And start over.

Eric's POV~

I moved back to Virginia. And mom and Derek moved to Florida. Because his job. Blake is in Minnesota. We all just left California. Except for two people. I feel bad for Blake. How he ended school. Alone and hurt. I wish there was something I could do. But I guess all I can do. Is hope. Hope that he'll be okay. Just hope.


3 Years Later

Eric's POV~

I got a letter in the mail. Asking me to go to Minnesota for Blake's wedding. This is good. This is really good. However it didn't say who he was marrying. Oh boy. This should be fun.

"Hey Blake. Um you forgot to put your fiancé's name on the invite. What's up with that."

"Are you serious. SHIT! Well damn. You'll see when you get up here. You'll like her. I promise. But I gotta go. In a meeting."

Cool, so he's getting married. I got a 3 year old little sister named Ava. Derek and mom split up and she married some dude named Kyle. Who seems pretty cool. But Derek and mom are still friends so that's good. And me. I got me a girl. Jessie. She a fine girl too. Brazilian. Long black hair. Big ass. Not that it matters the most. But it is a plus for me. And I got a son. Nick. Who I had in honor of Nick. Lord knows I miss him. So I pack up clothes for me, Jess, and Nick. And we start our journey to Minnesota. Considering the wedding is in 4 days. But hey. It's for Blake. I gotta do this for him. I honestly can't wait to see him and his future wife.

Blake's POV~

"Baby you ready for this."

"Of course. I always am ready for anything."

I look at my gorgeous fiancé in amazement. I can't wait till Eric sees her. Which won't be until the wedding. She's gotta go get her parents because they don't have enough money to drive or fly up here.

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