I Feel Wanted

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(Your POV)
"Thanks Love"Sam Said And Hugged Me.Then We Let Go And Sam Smiled And I Don't Know Why I Just Kissed Sam On The Lips And I Put My Hand Behind His Head So He Won't Break The Kiss."Mhp!"Sam Said,Then He Tried To Let Go But He Couldn't Then Broke The Kiss And Put The Plate Down And Ran Away."I Need Angel"I Said And Cried.Then I Got Out My Phone And Got The Piece Of Paper That Angel Gave Me And Called Him"Pick Up,Pick Up"I Said."Hello"Angel Said."Can We Talk"I Said."Sure I'll Be Ri-"."No At Your Place Something Happened.."I Cuted Off Angel."Ok Let Me Pick You Up Where Are You"Angel Said."I'm Like In Front Of The Bar"I Said."Ok I'll Be There"Angel Said."Thanks"I Said And I Hanged Up.

{30 Minutes Later}

Then A Car Shows Up."Wow Your Well Dressed"Angel Said."Thanks"I Said And Sat Down And We Drove Off To His House."Were Here"Angel Said.Then I Got Out If His Car And Angel Opened The Door And Let Me Inside."Thanks"I Said."So What You Want To Talk About?"Angel Said Closed The Door."Sam.."I Said."What Happened You Caught Him Having Sex With Chris"Angel Said And Closed The Door."No.."I Said And Sat Down On His Couch."Then What"Angel Said And Sat Next To Me."I-I"I Said And Closing My Eyes."Just Tell Me"Angel Said Holding My Hand."I Just Kiss Sam Just For Nothing!"I Said And Put Both My Hands On My Face And Cried."Don't Cry"Angel Said And Hugged Me."I Just Want Him Out Of My Mind Cause I Will Never Have Him And I Will Have No One"I Said Crying."You Have Me"Angel Said.Then I Just Out My Hands Down."I Love You Y/N I Just Never Had The Chance To Because I Thought You Would Freak Out"Angel Said."I'll Will Be Yours"Angel Said.Then I Just Hugged Him."You Will"I Said."I Will"Angel Said And He Kissed Me And For Real This Tie I Don't Feel Used Just For Sex I Feel Wanted,And I Feel Loved Just Because.Then I Kissed Back And We Took A Gasp Of Air."Want More Love?"Angel Said."Yas Real Love"I Said And Kissed Him And We Went To His Bedroom.

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