The Hell

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(Your POV)
I Wake Up With Just In My Underwear And Bra And In A Bed That Not Mine."We..Did Sex"I Said.Then I Smiled And I Saw Angel Still Sleeping."And He Loves Me Just Because Of Me.."I Said And I Check My Phone And I Went To IG  And Saw A Pic That Chris And Sam Posted And I Guess They Had A First Lunch Date And I Was The First To Like.Then I Smiled.Then I Went To The Bathroom And Washed My Face And After I Changed And Then When I Finished Changing Angel Was Awake."Hey Angel"I Said Fixing My Hair."Hey"Angel Said Putting His Clothes On."Well I Better Get Home May You Take Me Home"I Said."Sure"Angel Said.Then We Went Walking To His Car And Drive Home.Then I Gave Angel A Kiss On The Check.Then Angel Had A Smile And When He Drove He Waved And I Smiled.Then I Opened The Door And I Saw Stuff In The Floor."Hm.."I Said And Picked Up Everything And I Put It On The Counters.Then I Heard Voices And I Just Shook My Head.(They Did Sex With The Door Wide Open...)Then I Saw Sam Came Out The Door With Just Underwear On.Then I Covered My Eyes."Samuel Frederick Smith!Put Some Clothes On!"I Yelled.Then I Heard Him Ran And Fell."Sorry"They Said."After 6 Years Living Here"I Said Shaking My Head."Mostly 3 Hears.."Sam Said.

1-3 Months Later...

(Sam And Chris Been Together For A While Now And That's Great They Went Out For Dinner For There 3 Month Celebration And They Said They Would Take Pics Ok There Date And I Stayed At Home Watching Tv Cause I Having Time With My Best Friend At Party)Then I Went To Get Drink But I Went To The Bathroom To Throw Up."The Hell"I Said.Then I Got Back To The Party But I Keep Throwing Up."I Don't Feel Good Y/F I Think I Need To Go Home.."I Said.Then I Went Back Home And When I Got Home I Saw Sam And Chris Making Out And I Smiled.Then I Felt Like Throwing Up And Ran To The Bathroom And Threw Up."Y/N You Ok?"They Said.Then I Flushed And Cleaned My Mouth."I Dunno"I Said

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