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(Chris's POV)
"Come On Let's Get In The Car"Sam Said."I'm Coming"I Said.Then I Went To Sam's Car And Sam Got In And We Started Driving To Y/N's House."And Here's This Week Hot Songs Today"The Station Said.'Im Finding Something Something Different When You Left The Picture Changed I Was Blinded Not Envisioned The Same Face In A Different Frame ~'."It's An Omen~"Sam And Me Said.Then We Giggle And Just Jam To The Song On The Way To Y/N's House.

(15 Minutes Later)

"We're Here"Sam Said.(Wasn't It Apartments?)Then We Head Up The Stairs And Sam Knocked On The Door."Then The Door Opened."OH MY GOD YOUR SAM SMITH"A Girl Said."Um..Hello..Is Y/N Here?"Sam Said.Then I Saw Someone Walking To The Door."Hey Sam Hey Chris"Y/N Said And Hugged Us."Where's Angel?"I Said.(Dam She Looks Hot As Fuck I Feel Like She's Sam Sisters Sometimes..But Sam Is MORE HOTTER And SEXIER)."Come In"Y/N Said.Then We Sat On The Couch."Well..Um..You See...Me And Angel Aren't Together Anymore.."Y/N Said."Well Then...Who's Gonna Care For You Love?"Sam Said."Wait Aren't You Natalie?Your A Model Right?"I Said.(I Know Cause I Worked With Her Like A Few Times In Modeling...)"Yea,And Your Chris Right Christian"Natalie Said."Yep That Me"I Said Pointing At My Self."Well..Um.."Y/N Said.Then Started Whispering To Natalie.Then Sam Went To My Ear."You Guys Know Each Other?"Sam Whispers To My Ear.I Nodded.The He Put His Hand Covering Of What He Was Doing.Then He Licked My Ear And I Giggled."S-Sam"I Said Gigging.Then Sam Smiles And Sit Back To Normal.Then I Wiped My Ear And Then When I Was Done With That They Were Looking At Us."It Was Sam.."I Said Pointing At Him."W-What Did I Do"Sam Said.Then He Put His Hand On My 'Member'.

       Then I Was Turning Red And I Felt I Was Starting A Erection In My Pants And Sam Looked Me And He Starting To Turn Red And I Glared And Sam Took His Hands Away And I Put Both My Hand On My Crotch Area."Ok..I..Well...We Been Hiding This And Me And Natalie Are Dating So Natalie Is My Girlfriend"Y/N Said.(G-Girlfriend?!)."Girl Friend!"Me And Sam Said And We Put Our Hand Up In Shock But That Was A Bad Idea And I Put My Hand Right Away Down And I Got A Pillow On Put It On My Crotch Area."Don't Tell Anyone...But I'm Bio Sexual..By The Way"Y/N Said."I Think That's Pretty Hot..."I Said And Then I Covered My Mouth And Sam Also Covered My Mouth.(Did I Say That Out Loud...)Then I Put My Hand Back Down There And It Was Gone And I Put The Pillow Back."Um..Thanks..."They Said And Sam Giggled Nervously."Well We Better Go Huh.."Sam Said."For What For Our You Know"I Said."Mm..Yea..Well Bye Y/N And Remember I'm Still The Uncle!"Sam Said And When We Were Leaving They Were Watching Us."What You Were Expecting Us To Kiss?"I Said Smirking.Then They Giggled And Nodded.Then Sam Smirked And I Nodded No And Was About To Exit Cause I Don't Really Like To Kiss In Public Much If Only I'm Drunk.Then Sam Got My Lips And It Felt So Warm Then I Put My Hands On His Neck And His Hands On My Waist And Put Our Body's Close And Our Body's Were Together .Then A Flash And Click Was Heard.Then He Slid His Tongue And I Opened My Eyes And We Opened His.Then I Felt Something In My Pants.....The Thing..And I Covered My Crotch And Sam Did Too."Well We Better Go!"We Said."Bye!"They Said.Then We Ran To The Car And Drove Home.

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