It's A Girl!

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(Your POV)
I Was Just With Natalie Watching A Movie And It Was Harry Potter Me And Natalie Love Harry Potter Like Sam."I Feel Fat..Like Very"I Said."Don't Worry Babe Soon She'll Or He'll Come Out And You'll Be Back To Your Self"Natalie Said.Then We Smiled And We Just Made Out.*Knock Knock*.Then Natalie Gave Me One Last Kiss And Went To Answer The Door."Hey Natalie And Y/n"Sam Said."Hey Sam And Chris"Natalie Said.Then I Turned And Saw Chris Looked In Pain And Sam Helping Him To Sit Down."What Happened.."I Said."Chris Got Stabbed Today..And Thank God It Wasn't Serious..As Me.."Sam Said."You Need Your Pain Pills?"Sam Said."Ugh..Yes Please"Chris Said."I-I'll Ge-"Sam Said."No Ill Get It I Need To Start Moving"I Said.Then I Went To Kitchen And Got A Glass And Started Filling It Up In The Sink.Then When I Was Heading Back I Felt Water Flow Down My Body And I Dropped The Glass."Y/N! Are You Ok!!"Sam And Natalie Said And Ran To Me."I-Think My Water Broke.."I Said.Then Karen Nodded And Went To Me Carefully."We Need To Go To The Hospital Now!!"Sam Yelled.Then Sam Went To The Living Room And Helped Chris To Their Car."Oh My God...I Think I'm Not Gonna Make It..."I Said And Started Breathing Fast.Then We Git To The Side Walk And Sam Put A Towel In The Front Seat And Natalie Put Me There And Chris And Natalie Sat In The Back And When Everyone Was In Sam Drove As Fast As He Could.

(10 Minutes Later)

"Ahhhh"I Said Holding My Stomach.Then We Got There And Sam Ran Inside The Hospital And Got Help And That Was When Nurses Came With A Wheelchair And I Got On It And They Took Me To The Delivery Room.(I Always Wonder When I Was Little What Delivery Room Meant And Now I Know..I Thought They Send Mail..).Then They Put Me On The Bed And They Did Checks And That And Check If I Was Ready To Give."Your..Ready Ok..I Think You Need Hand Holders Cause It Your First Right?"The Nurse Said."Ahhh..Yes.."I Said Already Squeezing Sam's Hand And Natalie's Hand."This I'd Fucking Your Fault Sam..You Made This..Fuck..."I Said Random Things That Weren't True."That What They Say...All The Time.."The Nurse Said."When I Say Push You Push Ok Dear"The Nurse Said."Uh Huh!"I Yelled."Push"Nurse Said."Mph...AHH"I Said Holding Their Hands Very Tight Making Their Hand Red And Pushing."Push"Nurse Said."Uhhhhh!!!"I Said Pushing."Almost There I See The Head..Push More Harder"Nurse Said."Mmmmm..Uhhh!!"I Yelled And Pushed A Bit More Harder."Just One More Push!!"Nurse Said,Then I Did My Hardest Push Every."AHHHHHHH,UHHHHH!!!"I Yelled In Pain Squeezing Their Hands Really Tight."It's A...Girl!!"The Nurse Said.Then I Cried In Tears Of Joy And Pain And Relieve And They Put Her On My Chest And I Just Smiled."Hey She Looks Just Like You"Sam Said Holding Her Tiny Hand."Aww.."Everyone Said."Dibs Of Us Being The Grandfather!!"Sam And Chris Yelled."Shush..And Ok"I Said Laughing."Whats Her Name Going To Be?"The Nurse Said.Then I Thought For Moment To Think.

(A/N: Hey Guys What Should She Named By I Think Ellie Jen You Guys Decide I'll Do Another Chapter Of This Today..And Figure Out See Ya Soon)

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