I Havent Had A Date Since

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(Sam's POV)
(I Can't Believe He Said Yes For A Date I Haven't Had A Date Since I Dunno..Maybe February..Thats Pretty Long..).Then I Got The Lunch Basket,A Blanket,And A Little Bucket Filled With Ice For Our Drinks."Ready"I Said."Yea Lets Go"Chris Said And He Got The Blanket And Bucket.Then We Smiled And Hold Hands."Then We Went Walking To The Near By Park,Some People Were Staring At Us But We Didn't Care Were Being Ourselves.Then We Chose Place Where People Who Fucking Stare And Be Talking About Us.Then We Found A Spot And Put The Blanket Down And We Sat Down And Smiled."This Is A Perfect Place For Our Date"Chris Said And Gave A Kiss On My Cheek."Well A Great Singer Have There Spots"I Said.Then Chris Chuckled For A Moment."Ok..Even Those Spots..."I Said Turing Pink."Yup"Chris Said Kissing My Neck.

     "Mm....Chris Were In Public."I Said.Then A Couple Pass By And Gave Us Disgusted Looks."Ew"They Said."Fuck Off You Have Your Own"Chris Said.Then They Just Gave Us The Middle Fingers And Chris Did It As Well And Sat Back Down."Chris Calm Down I Do Not Want This On The Media"I Said."Sorry Sam"Chris Said.Then He Got Out Our Lunch And Started Eating."Man You Go So Mad So Fast"I Said Eating My Sandwich."Does This Get You Mad?"Chris Said Eating."I've Been Though It My Whole Life And I'm Gay And I'm Very Proud So It Doesn't Really Bother Me"I Said."Like The Profile You Showed About Something Very Mean About You"Chris Said."Yup"I Said And Kiss Chris On The Cheek.Then Chris Got Out Red Wine."Chris..."I Said."It's Your Fave"Chris Said Shaking It In Front Of Me."You Batch"I Said And Took The Bottle And Got Two Glasses And Filled Then Up With Red Wine"Yas"Chris Said.

(2-3 Minutes Later)

We Were Drunk By Drinking Cups And We Were Being A Bit Dirty In Public And I Told Him To This At Home And He Agreed And Some How We Got Our Stuff And Headed Walking Home And Then We Just Made It Home And We Just Dropped Our Stuff On The Floor And Closed The Door And Went To Our Bedroom.

Smut Or No Smut And It Would Be Next Chapter And Your POV After It And It Will Be Published Tomorrow :)

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