Love You

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(Sam's POV)
(Why I Feel Shirtless...Oh..Cause Chris Said Ut Was Too Hot..But It Like September..Its Getting Cold..)Then I Change To A White T-Shirt,Black Jacket,Black Skinny Jeans,And My Shoes And Did My Hair And Head To The Kitchen To Make Breakfast."Moring Babe"Chris Said Stretching And Only Had Only Boxers On."Morning Babe..Put Clothes On..Paparazzi..Can See Through The Windows.."I Said.Then Chris Ran Back To The Bedroom.Then I Just Giggle.(Its..Our 4 Month Of Us Dating..I Wanna Do Something Special Maybe We Should Visit Y/N Today.Then When I Was Finished Making Breakfast I Put The Two Plates On The Table And Then Chris Finally Came Out In Clothes."Thanks For Putting Clothes On"I Said Giving His Plate To Him."Your Welcome And Thanks For Breakfast Sam"Chris Said Smiled And Gave Me A Peck On The Lips.Then I Smiled And We Started Eating."Let's Take A Picture Together For Our Fourth Anniversary Of Dating"Chris Said.Then We Got Our Phones Out And We Put Our Faces Together Side By Side And We Smiled.'Happy 4th Month Anniversary @Chrisxx Love You Xx' I Posted To Instagram.Then Chris Did The Same Thing But It Said.'Happy 4th Anniversary Too @Samsmithworld Love You Xx' Chris Posted.Then We Smiled And Went Back To Eating.

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