Your Having A Baby

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(Your POV)
"Where The Papers?"I Said."In The...Car"Chris Said.Then He Stopped Walking And Turned To Me Slowly And I Freaked Out."Sam Went To His Fucking Car...Chris"I Said.Then We Went Quiet.Then Sam Came Back In And Had The Papers."Your Back Early...."Chris Said.Then Sam Pointed At The Papers.Then I Looked Down."Look Sam...Chris Isn't The Father..Ok...I Think I Might Know Who.."I Said.Then I Started To Cry.Then Sam Walked To Me And Hugged Me And Gave Me A Kiss On The Head."Angel...It Was Angel Sam"I Said.Then Sam Broke The Hug And Looked At Me."Did He Did This On Purpose.."Sam Said Lifting My Chin Up."Um..Actually No..We Just Did It"I Said."This Is One Of The Reasons Why I Don't Date Girls..."Sam Mumbled.Then Sam Bent Down And Looked At My Belly And Started Patting On It."May I Be The Grandfather"Sam Said And Giggled."I Thought You Were With Jimmy's Kids Grandfather..You Sure You Want To.."I Said."Yea..Cause You My Best Friend"Sam Said And Got Back Up."Why You Just Didn't Tell Me..Y/N...I'm Your Best Friend..."Sam Said."I Thought You Would Flip Out...And Hate Me"I Said."I Don't Hate You..Y/N..I Would Never Do That But...There's A Problem..."Sam Said."I Know I Have To Move Out...I Don't Want You Dealing With The Baby...I Would Try To Move In With Angel.."I Said."Let's Ask Him Now"Sam Said.Then I Saw Sam Texting And Went To His Car And He Put His Phone Away And We All Went In His Car And Drove To Angels House.Then We Knocked On His Door.Then We Opened The Door And We Saw Him Kissing Another Girl.(He's...Cheating On Me...)Then Sam Clapped Loudly.Then Angel Looked At Us.Then The Girl Got Up And Went To Sam."Hi My Name Is Sally..Wanna Go Out Mr.Sam Smith"Sally Said.Then She Was Touching Sam And Chris Came In And Kissed Sam On The Lips.Then She Had A Disgusted Look In Her Face.Then They Stop Kissing And They Were Both Red."Gay People..Eww..I Thought You Were Straight..Chris"Sally Said."Sally Fuck Of My Life I Don't Like You Anymore You Slut..And Forever And Your Still Are Since Middle School.."Chris Said.Then She Gave Them The Middle Finger And We Did The Middle Finger To Her And She Left.Then We All Block The Doorway And Looked At Angel."Looks..Y/N We Broke Up..Why Your Here.."Angel Said."You Broke Up With Y/N Why??!!"Sam Said."I Dunno..We Did Sex To Early..."Angel Said."You Made Me Lost My Virginty Angel.."I Said."What You Were Still Virgin..Before I Had Sex With You"Angel Said."Yea And Guess What I'm Pregnant Cause Of You"I Said.Then Sam Gave Angel The Papers And Angel Looked At Them."Your Having Baby..."Angel."Were"I Said.Then Angel Came In And Hugged Me."Im So Sorry..Y/N"Angel Said."And I Can't Live With Sam..Cause I Said It Would Be Hard For Him When He Makes Songs.."I Said."Well...Then Stay With Me..I Don't Mind.."Angel Said."Will You Hold My Hand?"I Said."Yes"Angel Said."Oh Won't You Stay With Me~"Sam Sang.Then We All Look At Him."What...It Was Leading To My Song Stay With Me So...I Had To Sing That Part...So Yea"Sam Said.Then We All Laugh."Oh Won't You Stay With Me Angel"I Said Giggling."Yes I Would Y/N"Angel Said."Yay!"Sam And Chris Said.Then We Kissed And And Smiled.Then We Went Back Home And Got My Some Of My Stuff And Took Them To Angels House."We Will Miss You Y/N"Sam Said And Gave A Kiss On My Head."I'll Miss You Guys I'll Call You When The Baby Is Born.."I Said."Ok..And Remember I'm The Grandfather!"Sam Yelled.Then I Nodded And We Smiled And Hugged And Said Goodbye And We Went To Our Own Lives.

A/N:This Is The Last POV Of You And Sorry...But You Know You Have To Go To You Own Lives..And The Rest Will Be With Sam And Chris...And There..*Cough Cough* Alone..Maybe They Will Have Some..Fun When They Get Home...Maybe..But Yea..But Hope You Like This Chapter And Your Lucky I Get To Leave School Early Every Wensday...But Anyways Good Day And Always Remember Late Updates Are Here :3

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