What A B*tch

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(Sam's POV)
Then I Cleaned My Self Up And Put On A Black Shirt,Kaki Shorts,And My Black Shoes And I Git Out If The Bathroom."Do You Wanna Be My Boyfriend?"Someone Said.Then I Just Stood There."What Why Would I Karen...You Said You Didn't Love Me Anymore So I Don't Love You Anymore.."Chris Said.Then I Walked Up Behind Him And Karen's Eyes Widen."Whats Going On Here.."I Said."N-Nothing...How Was Your Trip To Spain.."Karen Said."All Right..."I Said.Then I Passed By Karen And I Was Going Down The Stairs And Karen Pushed Me And I Fell On My Knees And I Try To Stood My But My Knees Were Hurting."What The Fuck Karen!?"Chris Said.Then Karen Ran Off."You Gay Fucks!"Karen Said And Ran Off.Then I Was In Pain And I Just Sat On The Concrete Bleeding From My Knees."Sam Let Me Help You Lets Go Get Bandages For Both Of Your Knees..."Chris Said.Then Chris Went Inside And I Just Sat There In Pain."What A Bitch..."I Said.Then I Put My Hands On My Face."Uhh..It Hurts Fucking Bad..."I Said.Then Chris Came Out."We Need To Go To The Store Let Me Take You Sam.."Chris Said And Closed The Door.Then I Tried To Get Up And Chris Helped Me Get Up.Then I Put My Arm Around Chris's Neck And I Was Limping To The Store.Then All A Sudden Chris Puts Both Of His Arms Under My Me."Ow Ow!"I Said.Then I Knew What He Was Trying To Do Then I Stopped Limping And Chris Put Both Of His Arms Under Me.Then He Eventually I Don't Know How Carried Me And It Was Pretty Awkward Cause A Celebrity Like Me Is Being Carried.Then We Made It To The Store And He Sat Me Down In A Black Chair And I Put A Hand On My Face."It Fucking Hurts.."I Said."I Know I'll Get Some Stuff To Clean Your Hurting Spots And Some Bandages Fir Your Knees"Chris Said And Gave Me A Peck On The Lips.Then I Smiled And Chris Went Off.Then Some People Were Staring At Me And I Tried To Cover My Bleeding Knees But Tye Blood Keep Flowing A Bit Down And I Didn't Want To Infect It By Touching It.Then Chris Came Back And Bent Down And Had A Bottle Of Alcohol And Poured Some To Some Cloth.Then I Shook My Head."No.."I Said."Do You Want It Infected?"Chris Said."No.."I Said.Then He Puts The Cloth That Has Alcohol On My Left Knee And It Stings As Fuck."Fuuuucckk,You Baaatch"I Said Quietly.Then Chris Smiled And Still Had The Cloth On My Left Knee And Puts Tape On It To Let It Stay There.Then He Did The Same Thing To My Right Knee."Fuckingggg,Chris.."I Said Quietly.Then He Puts Tape And Smiles."There.."Chris Said.Then He Got A Brown Cane."I'm Not That Fucking Old Now Ket Me Put This Up Your Ass"I Said And Took The Cane And I Laughed.Then I Used The Cane To Stand Up."This It The Second Time This Happened To Me This Is How I Feel At The Same Spots When I Went To Spain...For My Vacation"I Said.Then I Started Walking."How That Happened?"Chris Said."Well...We Were Okaying Hide And Go Seek..."I Said And Started To Rub My Neck."Oh.."Chris Said."Oh!This Picture That You Posted Like Last Week"Chris Said And Showed Me."Yea.."I Said.Then Chris Stops."What"I Said Standing."You Look Like The Same In This Picture"Chris Said.Then I Just Laugh."You Used The Same Cane That I Used Last Week..Didn't You.."I Said."Maybe"Chris Said.Then I Just Kiss Chris On The Lips And I Had My Hands Around His Neck And My Cane Was For A Bit Hitting His Back.Then Chris Got A Hold Of My Waist.Then We Broke The Kiss From A Flash Of A Camera."You Know I Love You Right?"Chris Said."Yea And Did You Know I Love You Too?"I Said.Then We Went Back Walking Home."You Know We Going To Be On The News Right Because The Press Took A Pic Of Us..."Chris Said,"It's Alright But By The Way Karen Is A Bitch"I Said."I Know..."Chris Said,"What You See In Her.."I Said,"I Dunno Anymore All I Have Is You Sam"Chris Said.Then I Smiled And Felt Great Inside.

A/N:And Sam Of Him Got Hurt I Used Today Because Today He Fell And Both Knees Were Bleeding As You See Above And That Him Today And I Was Upset That Our Boo Got Hurt By Playing Hide In Seek But I He He Will Get Better And Btw My Instagram Is @sam_smith_yesi_martinez If You Were Wondering And I Hope You Enjoyed

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