Part 16 - He did never cheat

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Phil's POV

I found a dark, dusty room in the back of the kitchen. I closed the door and sat on top of a freezer, feet up, and arms around my legs. I needed to think this through.
Of course I wanted to be with Dan, but he hasn't treated me very well these last weeks. And I knew I would feel a million times better if things were like they used to between us. And I also knew if we got back together, we would have so much we needed to talk about, before we would be ok again.

This whole fight was stupid. And I couldn't put all the blame on Dan. He did never cheat on me. But he knew how I felt about Lily and him. But he did never cheat. I needed to talk to him again.
In the meantime, while I was sitting here, the class had returned from the night run. I had to get myself together. It takes a lot of nerve to go back to him, and tell him I needed to talk to him. I started hitting my head hard into the wall, and when I started to fell dizzy, I stopped and jumped off the freezer.

All the other students were now in the eating hall, playing cards and stuff. I walked down the hallway and stood now in front of the blue door to the room Dan slept in. I slowly opened the door and looked in. My body froze completely. It felt like a million knifes were cut into my heart. I gasped loudly.

Because there was Lily sitting on the bedside, only sitting in her underwear and was closing her bra. And on the floor was Dans clothes. Lily also gasped and tried to cover herself, but my eyes were only focused on the body lying in bed next to her. I managed to catch Dans eyes staring directly at me, right before I turned around and ran down the hallway.

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