When I Woke up...

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*A Week Later*

When i woke up. It was dark. Where am I? I turned over and saw a slight bit of light and all I could here was "Beep Beep Beep" Where am I? Suddenly I coughed, and it was loud, then 3 women came in... Doctors, and turned on the lights. "Your Awake!" they said. Oh I'm in the hospital. What the hell happen.

"Um do you happen to know what happen to me?" I asked, with a very tired and shaky voice.

"We don't know details, but there is someone here who does" the doctor replied, Then Dani came in.

"Dani" I said, as if I was gonna cry.

"Jordyn... When you grabbed Onto Rebecca, One of Laviahs little friends hit you and Rebecca over the head with a bat."

I didn't move. I as just there, as of I had just died.

"Jay?" she said, trying to get my attention. I started to cry.

"is. Is. Is. Rebecca-

"Rebecca is Fine" Dani said, rubbing y shoulder. "She woke up afew days ago, but she still needs a lot of attention"

"a few days? How Long was I out"

"7 days" I heard a low voice come from the Door way. "Liam!" I said. He came over and hugged me. "How you feeling?" he said. "Kinda confused actually.. What happen with Laviah?"

"We, um, dont actually know. Last thing we heard was that she was beaten up, an so were all her stupid friends"

"beaten up? By who!" I said

"Well. The numbers were perfect, 6 guys and 8 girls. Laviah being one of them. Each of us took on a guy, and All the girls did to." Liam said.

"oh my god.... Who took on Laviah?" I asked, actually quite scared.


That surprised me, a lot. I never thought she liked me to be honest, I would have expected Shantel, or Perla to take her on.

"p-perrie?" I said. Stuttering.

"Me" I heard from the door, and in came perrie with her arm in a cast.

"Oh my god" I said and I started to cry.

She walked over to me. "I heard you once telling Zayn that you feel as if I don't like you. I hope this proved you wrong" She said, sitting on my bed. I nodded and gave her a hug, "who else was here and who has the worst injury". I said.

"Well nobody has bad injured except you and Rebecca" Danielle said

"But all the boys are here, and Shantel and Perla.. None of us have left" Perrie said. Oh my god I didn't realize how loved I really am. But what about my mom. "so my mom isn't here? Has anyone talked to her?" I said, sorta broken that she wasnt there.

"Niall an Perla went to call Her to say how your awake. She has come in everyday, just not at night."

"what time is it?"


"Ahh go to bed" I said. Then the doctor cut in, "she's right, you guys go back out there. We have to run afew tests."

"Okay! Goodnight!" they all said as they walked out the door... Then I fell asleep.

*The next morning*

I woke up to a kiss on my forehead.

"Who is itttt" I said, jokingly as if I was answering the door.

"its me" a voice said, that I knew from anywhere.

"Louis!" I said popping up. I gave him a hug and kiss.

"this has been a terrible week. I haven't been able to kiss you" he said with a frown. "Better make up for it" I said with a smile, and gave him a kiss.. Then my mom came in. I just was thinking how she hates me with Louis, but she looked at us and smiled.

"Jordyn. I love you" my mom said.

"I love you to mom" I said back, with a very shaky worn out voice. I gave her a hug and explained everything that had happen...

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