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Harry hadn't spoken to me in days after we sat and watched Forrest Gump on my couch. He held me as I cried at my favorite part, just before Jenny died and Forrest told her all about the beautiful places he'd seen while he was running. I've watched that movie countless times but it never fails to leave me with at the very least, a few tear stains. It wasn't until a wet Wednesday afternoon, a few days after I'd gotten better and decided to go to class, had I seen Harry. I spotted him in his spot, near the center of the class, taking notes as the professor went on and on. He was distracting, really, because all I could do was think about what to say when I approach him after class. And apparently, it wasn't much of anything.

"Harry!" I exclaimed, trying to catch his attention as he exited the building. He saw me, said something to his friend and walked down to my direction. He didn't look amused.

I, on the other hand, tried really hard to make sure I kept smiling. "Why haven't you been answering me? I've texted you and it says you've read them but you barely respond."

Harry just gave me an expecting look, a quick roll of the eye and a frustrated puff. What is up with this dude?
"Hey, what's up with the attitude? Did I do something?" I asked, not necessarily playing dumb because I knew he was upset with me. Anyone with eyes could see that, but I couldn't exactly pin point why.

"Isabelle, I'm a blunt person and I think you deserve to know why I am upset with you.  I really like you, I do. But I don't want to waste time and be patient, that's not the kinda guy I am. I want to go get what I want as fast as possible, before it becomes unavailable. Before you become unavailable, or bored, or something." He said, weaker at the end and bolder in the beginning. I was thankful for his honesty.

"Harry, you know it was hard for me to tell you I thought it was going too fast, right? But if I didn't think there was some potential between us, I wouldn't have brought it up. You're an amazing person to me, and I hardly know anything about you. That's all I'm saying, I just want to take my time, get to know you so when we start something, it can be real and genuine and good. Not hasty and rushed and just... not true. Do you get what I'm saying, at least?"

"I do, and I don't agree. Not yet, at least. I need to think, is that okay? I'll call you, hopefully soon." Harry said in short phrases, so I knew he was on a temper. Or occupied. Either way, he needed his space and I got that. I bid my goodbye and sauntered off the the cafe on campus, while he ran to catch up to his friends from earlier. I looked back at him to find him looking straight back at me. I felt flustered and quickened my pace.

//HARRY// (a/n I don't usually do POV changes so this may be a rarity)

Isabelle. Short, sweet, intelligent and so beautiful. And  she was right. We don't know enough about each other. I don't know if she has any siblings, or if she's into sports or art, or if she's ever had sex or been in love.  I have no clue what her favorite anything is, besides poet. And I sure as hell don't know what she thinks about me.

But I do know she loves Forrest Gump, the part when Forrest tells Jenny that she has always there with him, the scene before she dies. She loves Alice in Wonderland, because it holds no logic and is silly. She likes Katy Perry and dances around her apartment with California Gurls blasting. I know she is very forgiving, and casual, and bloody funny. I know she pushes her hair away from her face sometimes; I wish I could do for her at times.

But all in all, those are just little things. And she is just about to kill me with this whole patience thing, taking our time. I am not happy about it, but I know I need to do it. Isabelle is worth getting to know better, and I will try it out her way.

I closed the cap to my pen and shut the journal closed. Breathing in deeply, and breathing out, I flipped it open again and re read the journal entries for the past week.

all the love // H.S au (university series)Where stories live. Discover now