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My mind couldn't help but wander to the nervousness of today's lunch with Harry. For the life of me, I could not focus on the damn book. Harry was very smooth and suave from the few encounters I've had with him. I couldn't wait to get to know him better. But a wave of fear washed over me as well; I don't want Harry to get to know me.

I've been in panic mode, making sure nobody found out about me attending UNI. The reason for this is simply I cannot go to school in the UK without being a resident for at least a year. I couldn't pay the ridiculous ammount they charge for students from over seas. And it's not like I have to choice to go back to the states and go to school there either, it's for my own safety. It wasn't right & I could never put myself through that. Not after everything my family went through.

Before I knew it my phone was buzzing, alarming me that I should start walking towards the coffee house. I felt kind of anxious, but we're just getting coffee, right?

Wrong. I met up with Harry and he kindly got two coffees to go.
"Cream & sugar?" He asked at the bar where you add what you like in your drink.
"3 creams, please." I asked sweetly beside him.
"So where are we going? I thought we were just going to stay here." I asked honestly.

"What, and have a repeat date? I don't think so. Let's go, it's a surprise love." He said while holding open the door for me. I looked at him and silently thanked him with a small smile. He rested his hand on my back and led me through the streets of London.

We ended up at a burger place. 'Restaurant, Bar, & Grill' the sign beamed it's neon colors down on us.
"I hope this is alright, I've been craving a good patty for a while now."

"This is perfect." And I didn't lie. Most girls would have wanted to go out to lunch at a nice (and expensive) Bistro or Cafe. I'm not much for materials or anything like that; I've got simple taste & I was glad that Harry and I could vibe on a casual level.

"Soo I'm thinking of getting just a classic burger. What about you, love?"

"Well I'm gonna ask the server if I can do the garden patty on any burger. Because the Taco Burger sounds to die for."

"Garden Patty?" He asked with a confused look. I smiled and giggled a bit at how cute the face was.

"Um, yeah. I'm a vegetarian."

"What?! Oh I am SUCH and idiot! Bringing a cute vegetarian to a fookin burger joint. Way to go, Styles." He said, burying his head in his hands.

I reached over the table to pry them away, and held on to one to squeeze reassuringly as I said "Harry, It's no biggie. Honestly, I'm so glad you brought me here. I could've easily ordered a Panini or Mac n Cheese. But I want a burger."

"You're sure? I could take you to another place if you'd like." He asked tomidly. "I feel like such a jackass, Isabelle. I'm so sorry."

"Stop apologizing, Harry. I'm 110% content with staying here." I looked him in the eyes, which were still weary, and tried my best to reassure him. Our hands didn't separate until the server came back out to take our order.

"Yes, I'll ask the kitchen but I can't see why not. What kind of burger would you want?" The server asked. I gave Harry a look and responded kindly to our waitress.

"I'll do a veggie patty on a taco burger." I ordered and politely handed the server my menu, and she took Harry's order as well.
"See, not the end of the world." I beamed when she left our table.

"you're right, I kinda over reacted. It's just I was really nervous about this date- I mean lunch & I didn't want to screw it up." He said honestly.

all the love // H.S au (university series)Where stories live. Discover now