lover's spit

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The party was dying down now. I gave a quick squeeze to all my new friends, and put my number in Gigi's phone. She said she would love to take me and Helena out for a girls night. Helena shared a cab with Harry and I. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, and she insisted that I text her as soon as I make it home safely. The topic of going home comes up and I internally groan. The Uber driver asks to put in the next destination, but before I could give him my address, Harry has gone and said his already. I shoot him a quick stare of shock.

"Boy, I may be drunk but I am not stupid. Why do you get to go home first?" I whine.

"Well, I was actually hoping you'd spend the night at mine tonight," Harry says coyly. I cringe at how stupid I actually am. I cannot pick up a hint if my life depended on it.

"Okay, let me just let Irene know," I say, pulling out my phone. I sent a quick text to my aunt, letting her know I'll be home tomorrow. A dreadful realization hits me, and by the look Harry is shooting at me from the back of the cab, my face is showing it. "I don't have a toothbrush," I muttered in defeat. I don't know why, but it really bothers me knowing that I can't brush my teeth tonight. So much so that I almost want to cry. This is also how I know I drank way too much. Harry see's the upset reaching me, knowing all too well how expressive my face is, especially intoxicated. He reaches to wrap an arm around me, pulling me to his side. I can tell that the finds this amusing as he giggles silently on our ride to his place.

"Belles, I have a spare toothbrush at home. Brand new and everything." He says, trying to comfort me, but I can still hear the amusement in his voice. Knowing that there is the security of brushing my teeth tonight calms me, and I relax into Harry's side. I get so comfortable in the heat of him that I start to doze in and out of consciousness. With good reason too, it's nearly three in the morning.

I am brought back to reality as Harry gently shakes me awake. Dazed and confused, I instinctually follow him out of the car. He leads me to his front door and to his apartment, where I can find sanctuary at last. I instantly kick off my boots and take a seat on his cool couch.

"Harry, you have the epitome of a bachelor pad," I mention as my eyes roam about the room. Heis light chuckles are heard from his kitchen, where he quickly returns from with two glasses of water. I take one and drink it fast, knowing my poor body will be really hungover in a few hours. Harry goes to his old record player and plays a slow melody.

All these people drinking lover's spit
They sit around and clean their face with it
And they listen to teeth to learn how to quit
Tied to a night they never met

The deep voice resonates through the apartment as Harry rests his head against my shoulder. He cuddles closer into my side, making me feel all giddy inside. I don't allow it to show, so I just gently stroke his already tousled hair. Harry mumbles the slow lyrics so that only I can hear, and it feels like a lullaby. I place a soft kiss to the top of his head and continue to sift through his hair. He seems to respond well to me playing with it, as I notice goosebumps rise on his arms. I smile at the little physical effect that I have on him. I close my eyes to the peacefulness of this moment, really taking a minute to drunkenly listen to the song.

You know it's time
That we grow old and do some shit
I like it all that way

"Harry?" I ask lightly, making his head perk up to look at me.

"Yes, dove?" He responds in the same soft tone.

"What is this song called?" I ask sheepishly, looking down at his soft features. His lashes are long, and I can just notice the little crows feet around his eyes. His eyes, oh, those damn green eyes. I could stare at them all day and all night.

all the love // H.S au (university series)Where stories live. Discover now