just like heaven

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The confidence Harry was feeling made me feel excited. We hadn't talked exactly about "what we are" to each other, which I am completely fine with. If two people are vibing together, and care for each other, I don't see the need to label it anything. Although I still feel confused and conflicted about everything, I decide to let sober Isabelle deal with it. Tonight, I'm having fun.

I spot Helena across the living room with a drink in her hand, basically perched in the lap of Liam. I giggle at the sight of this, knowing she is living. I make my way over to them, having lost Harry the second he entered the flat. There is a seat open next to Gigi, and she spots me and pats the seat next to her excitedly.

"Hey, girl!" She says, slurring her words terribly. I need to catch up, so I take a few gulps of my drink, feeling the burn down my throat and to my stomach. "Where did you disappear off too?" Gigi questions.

"Oh, Harry said he had something to show me." I try to say casually, but knowing me, my face is flushed. She drops it though.

"It's so refreshing to hear another American accent. Where are you from?"She questions. I hadn't really noticed she was American as I'm just so used to hearing both accents by now.

"Oh, I know! I'm from Minnesota, but I've lived in California, Hawai'i, and Carolina, of all places."

"No way! I'm from LA!!" She states excitedly.

"I miss it there. The sun, mostly." I admit.

"Oh me too, it's so dreary here." Gigi agrees. "Oh, I love this song! Liam, how do I turn it up?" Gigi says over the already loud music. Liam gets up from his very comfortable looking spot to turn up Just Like Heaven from The Cure. I take this as my opportunity to get up and sit by Helena, but as I do so, that same big ring-clad hand takes mine and spins me on the spot. Harry definitely looks drunk, but it's so fun to see him like this. He starts to dance to the beat a bit, placing his hands on my waist to guide me to the space in the living room. I oblige happily and begin to mimic his dance moves. The music is so loud and is drowning out any insecurities or inhibitions. Right now, it's just me, Harry, and The Cure. Dancing with Harry is becoming a common theme, and I couldn't be more happy with it.

Show me, show me, show me how you do that trick
The one that makes me scream she said
The one that makes me laugh she said

It's nearly impossible to not smile and laugh at this moment. The sight of Harry, surrounded by his friends, being completely comfortable and free, happy, dancing and singing around with me, is enough to make my heart swell.

You, soft and only, you lost and lonely
You, strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water

Harry's dimple is showing. His face is a little bit brighter, his skin glowing a little bit. His eyes are gleaming, they seem so bright. He pulls me in closer and whispers the lyrics into my ear,

"You're just like a dream
You're just like a dream"

I can't help but think that this feels like a dream. The song ends and Harry pulls me into the biggest bear hug, and I feel the heat radiating off of his chest. I inhale the beautiful scent of old spice and his vanilla cologne. Suddenly Harry grabs my hand and whisks me away once again, but this time back into the kitchen.

"You need another drink." He huskily demands. I just nod in agreement and watch as he pours two cups of rum and cokes.

"One for you," he says, sliding one towards me, "and one for me." He says with a sloppy grin. I lift my cup to tap his.

"Cheers!" I say before I take another sip. Just like the last one, its strong as hell. And I bet Harry could tell by the way my face screws up to the bitter taste of alcohol mixed with the sweet bubbles of the pop. He just laughs though, knowing his drink mixing skills are beyond below par.

"Damm Harry, you're gonna get her trashed! I can smell the booze from her cup!" I heard from behind a thick Irish accent.

"Niall!" Harry exclaims happily, reaching to embrace his friend. "Niall, this is my girl, Isabelle. Isabelle, meet Niall. We were roommates a while ago."

"Nice to meet ya!" He says enthusiastically, reaching for a hug from me as well. I loosely hug Niall and shoot him a small smile.

"Harry, you've scored! She's beautiful AND American!" He says followed by loud laughter. It was the kind of laughter that was contagious.

"I feel insanely flattered to receive such a genuine compliment from such a genuine guy. " I say, voicing my thoughts aloud.

"And she's charming! Oh, she is gonna fit in well around here." Niall says, throwing an arm around me in a half hug. We hang out like this for a bit, just chatting mindlessly with one another around the kitchen table. I nibble on some snacks that are layed out, realizing just how dizzy I've become from the few drinks I consumed tonight. It wasn't long until out chit chat was interrupted by Zayn, who came over to steal Harry off for something. I stayed back to chat with Niall a bit longer until I heard the music get cut off and Zayn's thick accent asking everyone to gather in the living room. Niall and I exchange shrugs and mozy our way to see Harry and Zayn sitting at the piano in the living room. I take my previous seat next to Liam and Gigi on the couch, giving my full attention to the two boys at the piano.

"So, Harry and I have been working on a little tune together recently, and we thought we would share it with all our closest friends here tonight."

I spot Harry scoot down on the piano bench to let Zayn take the keys. His hands begin to play a very soft and sweet melody, then out of nowhere, Harry begins to sing. I have never heard a voice more angelic than his.

Her eyes and words are so icy
Oh but she burns
Like rum on the fire
Hot and fast and angry as she can be
I walk my days on a wire

The whole room is quiet except the magical music exuding from the two boys sitting on the piano bench. It's almost as if the world had just stopped to listen to these voices and melodies harmonize together.

The way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
Open hand or closed fist would be fine
The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine

There is a magical quality to the lyrics. It's soft, bright and elusive. It sounds sleepy and soulful. I couldn't believe my ears. I know that this moment was a special one, especially for Harry. I know he wrote these words, and I know how weird and vulnerable he gets sharing his writing with others. I look around at the people around me, knowing that the people in this room are the people Harry trusts the most. I smile, knowing that I am one of them.

Her fight and fury is fiery
Oh but she loves
Like sleep to the freezing
Sweet and right and merciful
I'm all but washed
In the tide of her breathing

And it's worth it, it's divine
I have this some of the time

The way she shows me I'm hers and she is mine
Open hand or closed fist would be fine
The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine

The song finished softly and the two talents of the night receive a standing ovation from the close group of friends they performed for. Harry instantly makes his way towards me, and I welcome him with a tight embrace.

"I had no idea you could sing like that, Harry. I mean, I kinda knew, but holy shit. You're so talented." I say quietly to him, giving him the praise he deserves. I spot Zayn closely behind him and give him a quick squeeze as well.

"Thank you, Isabelle. That song was for you, you know that right?" Harry says, whispering huskily into my ear. The sentiment of those words sent chills down my body and made tears well in my eyes. I won't let them fall, but they make an appearance. I look into Harry's deep green eyes, which seem to be full of understanding. He dips down to place a small peck on my lips, and I redden and the quick moment of PDA. I am okay with it. I blink away any tears left welling in my eyes and smile up at Harry, giving his hand an assuring squeeze before we make our way back to socializing with a group of my new favorite friends.

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