Small A/n

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A/n: Alex: Well, today was my first day of high school, so things were a bit hectic. I'm just writing this to let you guys know that I won't be publishing any one shots in the next couple of weeks because I just need some time to let things calm down with school and that. Sorry about that...

Good news though! I am still working on the part two to "The Night Shift" with TerrorSnuckle, so I haven't forgotten about it. Don't worry! Also trying to make more reader inserts, so please bear with me!! Again, feel free to give me an idea about what I should write next or what you think I should include.

Now, another thing. The guys have been kinda been right behind me while I've been doing this a/n, so yeah...

Jonathan: What the hell, Alex!? We were gonna surprise the readers!!

Alex: Sorry sorry!! I just had to say it because I was about to end the a/n...

Evan: Okay we get it! Everyone knows we're here now anyways, so we can all just shut up!!

*awkward silence*

David: Is the a/n over yet?

Alex: Nope...still here.

Brian: Just focking end it already!

Brock: Calm your tits, Brian.

Alex: *smirks* Don't make me say it you two!!

Brian and Brock: Fuck off!

Lui: *squeaker* That's not a nice thing to say with a child in the room!

*everyone laughs*

Marcel: Seriously though, Alex. You should really end this damn a/n and go to sleep. You have school in the morning.

Alex: Yeah, I guess you're right. *sighs* Well, I'm gonna go to bed then. Goodnight!

Everyone: Goodnight!

Tyler: *walks through front door with Craig* Heyyyyy!! We're here for the a/n.

Evan: It's already over dude.

Tyler and Craig: Fuck!!!!!

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