(MiniCat) Get Out Alive

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A/n: Play the song in the background to make this one more dramatic. Also, this one is gonna be another screwed up one shot, so beware my sweet readers...

This had gone so wrong so fast. What had we gotten ourselves into this time? Sure, we had done some pretty dangerous things before, but this one by far took the cake. Why did I even agree to do this? Why did any of us agree to do this? It's way too dangerous.

I reloaded my assault rifle and peeked over my cover spot. A bullet whizzed past my ear and I quickly ducked back down again, my ear now ringing. Something touched my shoulder and I jumped slightly, regaining my composure once I realized it was just Nogla.

"Come on, we can do this Tyler," he said over the loud noises of gunshots and yelling. I nodded and peeked back up, shooting a guy in the chest twice and another guy in the head before ducking down again.

"Guys!" I heard the familiar voice of Lui call. I looked over to see a window next to him busted open. He pointed outside and I knew what he meant. Nogla and I ran over to Lui's location, shooting a couple of guys on the way. We all took cover behind the cracked wall, shooting at the never ending amounts of thugs shooting back at us. These guys were gonna overrun us soon if we don't get out. Just then, Craig ran down the hallway that connected to the wall we were taking cover behind. He turned around and shot a couple of times before quickly joining us against the wall.

"They're planning to blow this place to dust guys. We need to get outta here fast," he reported, reloading his pistol. Lui nodded, a grim expression coming over his face.

"Jump out the window to the others waiting below with the vehicles. I'll cover you guys," he said, cocking his assault rifle. Nogla shook his head furiously.

"I'm not gonna leave ye behind," he said, shooting a couple of thugs that were getting too close for comfort. Then again, all of them were too close for comfort.

"I'll be right behind you," he said, gently pushing us towards the window. He took cover close to the end of the wall, looking back at us for a second.

"I love you, David," he finished before opening fire on the people shooting at us.

"I love ye too," I barely heard Nogla whisper. I suddenly heard gas and panicked, rushing everyone out the window. It was a five foot drop to the fire exit, twenty feet above the vehicles with the other guys in them. We ran down the steep, metal ladder of the fire escape, ten feet above the ground. I saw a dim light out of the corner of my eye, glowing a soft orange color.

"Jump, now!" I screamed at the guys. They did as I said and jumped off the fire escape with me right behind them. We hit the ground hard just as the floor of the building we were on exploded with vibrant orange and yellow flames.

"Lui..." Nogla whispered, tears falling from his face. He staggered to his feet, more tears streaming down his face.

"Lui!!" he screamed towards the floor that had gone up in flames. Craig put his hand on his shoulder in an effort to get him under control. Suddenly, vehicles came up from behind us and started shooting us. Evan, Delirious, Brock, Brian, and Marcel opened the doors to their vehicles and began shooting at the people behind us.

"Get in!" Vanoss yelled at the top of his lungs as he covered us. Craig helped Nogla to a truck and I climbed in with Nogla, Craig, and Delirious, shooting the guys that followed us as we drove off.

"I'm so sorry Lui..." Nogla muttered to himself. Craig was still trying to get Nogla to get a hold of himself.

"Nogla, you need to help us fight these guys off or we're all gonna die," he said surprisingly calm. Nogla looked up from his lap as I continued to shoot at the many cars and trucks following us. Damn, how is it possible that there's this many people still?

"Do it for Lui." I heard that and immediately Nogla's sniffles came to an end. As I shot more, I heard an assault rifle being loaded up.

"For Lui." Nogla's voice came darkly. He leaned out his window and started to shoot at everyone with me and the rest of the guys. A bullet pierced through the truck and I heard a sharp groan as the truck started to go out of control. I ducked my head back in to see Delirious trying to get a hold of the vehicle. His bright blue hoodie held a deep red color towards his right shoulder. It was no use. The truck went off a hill and into the drainage canal. The sound of metal crushing and glass shattering was all that I could hear as we tumbled to a stop.

We were upside down. I looked next to me to see that Delirious was barely conscious, holding his right shoulder with a bloody hand. I looked in the backseat to see Nogla completely knocked out and Craig was in about the same condition I was.

"You okay babe?" he asked, climbing out of the totaled truck. I climbed out as well.

"Yeah, I'll get Delirious and you get Nogla." He nodded as he pried the truck door off, hauling Nogla out. I unbuckled Delirious and carefully got him out of the truck. He groaned in pain as I set him up against the truck. I looked up to see Vanoss's truck pulled over and the guys piling out, shooting at the vehicles as they came down to us.

"Is Del okay?" Vanoss asked urgently as the enemies closed in on us.

"He got shot in the shoulder," I stated, trying to stop the bleeding. Craig walked over to us, eyes holding anger as he picked up his assault rifle on the ground.

"Nogla's dead," he said darkly, his face twisting into a snarl as he faced the incoming enemies.

"He's dead, you bastards!" he yelled as he shot down a good fifteen thugs. One guy came up to the front and threw something towards us. My eyes widened and everything seemed to go in slow motion. The item hit the ground with a clink and sparks erupted from it, fire shooting out as I saw Marcel, Brock, and Brian flying backwards, landing on the ground hard. I sprinted over to them. Marcel and Brock were gone. My head fell as I felt tears escape my eyes. A groan came from next to me as I looked up to see the bloodied and dying Brian.

"G-Get outta here...now!" he choked out before his body stopped shaking and his eyes went lifeless. Anger flared within me as I grabbed a grenade Marcel had on him and threw it as far as I could up to the enemies. It exploded and I saw those at least a quarter of those bastards fly. I sprinted over to Vanoss and Craig who were desperately trying to hold off the never ending amount of enemies.

Suddenly, a bullet flew through Craig's stomach and he fell to the ground.

"Noooo!!!" I screamed, rushing over to Craig and holding him in my arms. He gagged and a tear slipped out of his eye.

"I-I love you," he spoke his final words as his body became limp. I couldn't hold it back anymore. Tears streamed down my face as I held the love of my life's body close. I heard another gunshot clearly and heard something hit the ground. I looked over to see Evan on the ground, blood pooling around his head. I looked up towards the gunshot to see an old friend, the person I hated most now, with his gun to my head.

"Adios, Tyler," Droidd growled. I heard a gunshot and was met with darkness.

A/n: Damn, that was dark. I got inspired to write this through from the song you guys just listened to while reading. Don't own the song or Three Days Grace (although I wish I did). Thanks for reading and I hope you guys have a wonderful day. Or night.

With love,

-Alex <3

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