(H2OVanoss) Next Week

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School >:(. Am I right?

---- Evan's P.O.V. ----

"Oh shit!!" I screamed through the mic, watching as my brand new vehicle went up in flames. I heard through the headphones the hysterical laughter of Delirious. He ran beside my completely destroyed vehicle, admiring his handiwork. I re-spawned about a block away from the explosion, and started running down the street towards Delirious.

"That was amazing, you fell right for my trap," he bragged, air thrusting with his character and walking around the flame engulfed vehicle. Of course, he got a little too close to the fire though and the fire soon engulfed his character as well. He started screaming and his character fell to the ground. I ran over to him and got there just as the fire was out.

"Shit, that was close," he laughed, walking around. I smirked and went up behind him, punching his character in the back of the head.

"What the fuck you asshole!?" Delirious laughed into the mic as his lifeless body fell onto the pavement.

"Payback's a bitch," I answered back, chuckling a bit. I got into a random car and started driving towards Delirious. God, he's amazing. I bet he looks really handsome in real life. I wish I knew what he looked like. Suddenly, my car slammed into Delirious' character.

"Oh God, sorry Jon!" I immediately apologized. He chuckled a bit.

"It's fine, but I don't have much health left." He picked himself up off the pavement and got into the car. I drove off toward Mount Chilliad, trying to get to the top in a shitty car.

By the time we got to the top, it was night time. There were no clouds so we could see the stars and moon perfectly. We got out of the car and went on the platform at the top, looking around and up at the stars.

I wish we could do this in real life.

---- Delirious' P.O.V. ----

For some reason, we were just looking at the stars on the top of the mountain.

It would be so cool to do this with him in real life.

I shook my head slightly and looked back at my screen. Evan's player was staring at me.

"Why you staring at me Evan?" I asked, giggling a bit. Evan started stuttering a bit.

"S-Sorry I spaced out is all." he responded. He started to go towards one of the mountain bikes on the top and got on. I did the same. We started to go back down the mountain, racing each other. I dodged and weaved between the incoming trees and rocks that could incapacitate me. Evan was doing the same, yet was still ahead of me unfortunately. I looked back to see a rock come up fast. Though I tried to dodge it, I didn't have enough time and flew off my bike.

"Holy shit, I'm flying!" I screamed, laughing as I fell back onto the mountain, a good hundred feet away from my bike.

"Looks like I win then," Evan chuckled, swerving onto the road. I started to run towards him.

"Yep. I guess so." It was silent for a little while after that. I got on his bike and we started to drive back towards the city.

"C'mon, ask him already."

But what if he says no?

"Then he says no. Stop being such a damn pussy."

Fine, fine.

"Hey Evan?" I asked, unsure.

"Yeah?" He continued driving.

"Umm, you wanna come over to my house sometime?" I spit out as fast as I could where he could still understand me. He was silent, yet kept driving. 


"If you don't want to, I completely understand," I added, trying to make this less awkward. 

"No, I mean, I'd love to, but, I've never seen you before, so like, I don't want it to be awkward for you or anything," he stuttered out.

"No no, I'll be fine. Would you?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah, of course," he responded. I smiled. 

"Cool. I'll text you my address and everything then." With that, I opened up my phone and went to Evan's contact, texting him my address and town name and everything. 

"Thanks, Del," he said. "I should probably get off, it's pretty late."

"Yeah me too," I agreed. "Talk to you tomorrow."

"Oh, before I get off," he said, catching me before I hung up. "Is it cool if I come over next week?"

"Yeah, that's perfect actually," I answered, smiling hugely.

"Okay, cool. Well, I'll see you then," he finished. And with that, he hung up. I smiled.

See you next week, Evan.

Part two out sometime soon. It's gonna be lit. Ttyl fellow readers.

Love you all,

-Alex <3

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