The Meetup Pt. 2

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A/n: I'm writing this part on my tablet since my dad has the laptop I usually use. :'(

---- Third Person P.O.V. ----

We all nodded our heads in agreement and we decided to finish up our drinks before we would head out. Just as we were finishing up, the door to Starbuck's swung open and in rushed a girl with waist length black hair and gray eyes, trying to catch her breath.

"Sorry I'm really late," she said, walking up to Evan. He smiled and pulled her into a hug.

"Better late than never, Athena," he said, pecking her cheek.

"Oh so that's your girlfriend Evan?" Maddy asked, getting up from her seat with her seat. He nodded and introduced us all to her and vise versa.

"Well, we were just about to head out to play some video games," he informed Athena. She nodded and smiled.

"Let's head out then," she said as we all made our way out of the Starbuck's.

"Let Tyler and I lead," Alex piped up, opening the car door to Tyler's car. "There's this place that he and I used to go to all the time as kids and I bet you guys would like it."

Brian smirked and looked around at the others. "Lead the way."

---- Timeskip cause I can ----

"Wow," Jailyn whispered, looking at the place. Tyler and Alex smirked at each other.

"You boys remember this place, right?" Tyler asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Hell yeah," Marcel said, grinning like an idiot.

"Let's get our old school on already!" David yelled, walking into the arcade, Lui and his girlfriend close behind him. Everyone smiled and walked in, their ears being filled with the sounds of arcade games.

"Hey," Fair yelled over to Jonathan, tossing a ski ball in the air. "You and me right here." He giggled hysterically.

"You're on," he said as the others crowded around to watch the game. The game started and the couple started to roll the balls down the track. On the first roll, Fair scored 100 points while Jonathan got 30 points.

After a minute or two, Fair had gotten 1,040 points while Jonathan had only 510 points. Fair whooped in victory and the others did too.

"Get on my level," she said, walking up to Jonathan. He rolled his eyes.

"I had my eyes closed," he lied, looking away. She giggled and hugged him.

"I love you," she said sweetly. He hugged back.

"I love you too," he said.

"No chick flick moments please," Minnie yelled, making a discussing face. They all looked around more, trying to find another game to play. That is, until Ashley found a game.

"Brian?" she sang in her squeaker voice. He came over and smiled at the game she had found.

"I will dominate you," he said, standing next to Ashley as she started the game up. She ate the little pellets with her yellow pac man, doing really well. A couple of ghosts cornered her though, causing her to die. She groaned in frustration and handed the controls over to Brian.

"Watch and learn," he said, eating multiple pellets and dodging all the ghosts. Right before he got cornered, he grabbed a power up, making him able to eat the ghosts. He ate three before it ran out and he grabbed a cherry. His streak was ended when the pink ghost caught him though. He only had to eat five more pellets to complete the level.

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