(Vanoss x Reader) Cheer You Up

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A/n: Waffles and Wattpad, a very good combination if I say so myself.

I walked into the house that my boyfriend and I shared, throwing my car keys onto the counter. Quite honestly, I was pissed. I already didn't like my job and now the people I worked with and my boss had to make it even worse. I groaned as I kicked my shoes off and headed up the stairs.

"Aaaaahhhh!" I heard my boyfriend yell. I rolled my eyes and knocked on the door of the computer room.

"Yeah?" he called, signaling for me to come in. I stepped in the room to see my boyfriend, Evan, turn around in his chair and smile over at me. I looked on the computer screen behind him and saw that he was playing some Dead Realm with the guys.

"I just wanted to say hey," I said, smiling a bit. He smiled back and waved, turning back to his computer.

"Hey guys," he said, unplugging the headset. "Y/n just got back from work so say hi to her."

"Heeeeyyy y/n! What's up?" I heard David say through the computer speakers. The others also said hello's and stuff.

"Not much, just another crappy day at my crappy job is all," I said, chuckling a bit.

"Well that fucking sucks," Tyler chimed in, making me smile.

"Yeah, but I guess that's why they call it work," I said, shifting on my feet a little.

"Can you go set up the Xbox babe?" Evan asked, giving me a pair of puppy dog eyes. I laughed.

"Sure Evey-bear," I said, exiting the room. I shut the door behind me and went down to the living room to set up a game on the Xbox. After a few seconds of debating, I put in GTA 5 and turned the system on. Right as I got the game started up, I felt a pair of strong arms hugging me from behind. I smiled and looked up, seeing the handsomest smile from my amazing boyfriend. He walked around the couch and sat next to me, picking up a controller.

"Maybe some video games will make you feel better," he said, logging into story mode. I smiled and snuggling up next to him. He wrapped his arm around me and positioned himself so he could have his arm around me and hold the controller at the same time.

We started the game and started playing rampage. After about two hours, we decided that I was able to stay alive the longest and Evan was able to get to five stars the fastest. He got up and shut the system off, coming back over to me and wrapping his arm back around me.

"Feel better now?" he asked. I nodded my head into his chest, listening to his soothing heartbeat.

"Good," he said, kissing the top of my head. "I love you. I'm glad I could cheer you up."

"I love you more," I said, pecking his lips. "And thanks."

He smiled and pulled me closer to his warm body. We continued to snuggle for the rest of the night.

A/n: Cute little fluff I wrote down on a sheet of paper during my advisory class at school today. Hope you guys enjoyed!


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