(Wildcat x Reader) The Quiet Girl

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A/n: Haven't done a Wildcat x reader part in a while, so here y'all go!

School sucked. Especially high school. Everyone had their little group of friends that always acted like they were better than everyone else. And I'm getting sick of it. I didn't fit in anywhere. I was just there. I don't have any friends and I'm always that one shy kid in class that no one really knows about. 

It's not like I gave a shit about what my social status at this shitty school is. At least I'm a real person unlike all these fake Barbie dolls that walk around acting like they're all that. Wait, what was I doing before this?

I shook my head and my locker stood in front of me. It was open and I guess I had just finished getting my stuff from it. I slammed it shut and walked off to my next class. There wasn't that much time left I bet since I was lost in thought for so long. 

I made it into my algebra class just as the tardy bell rang. I rushed to my seat in the back and set my stuff down. A snobby Barbie doll turned around in her seat to look at me. I simply focused on the work we were suppose to be doing.

"Hey there," she said with an overly nice attitude. I didn't even look up at her because I just wanted to make sure I had enough time to get this done. Plus, I knew she was being sarcastic and really didn't want to talk to me.

"Hey, I'm talking to you, bitch," she sneered. I lifted my eyes to look at her and she gave me a death glare. I simply just looked back down at my almost finished work. Suddenly, the paper I was writing on was snatched out from underneath me, making a pencil mark down the paper.

"Gee, thanks for the question answers," she said, turning back around in her chair and copying my work. I smirked to myself and got out another piece of paper, doodling some things only nerds would know about. I continued to doodle until the Barbie in front of me got up from her seat to turn in her work. She came back to her seat with a smirk plastered on her face. She took my paper and slammed it om my desk. She turned back around and I took another paper paper out of my bag, standing up and turning my work in. I kept a straight face as I walked back to my desk and waited for the class to end.

---- The next day, same class ----

"An 'F'!?" Barbra exclaimed, the girl who took my paper and copied the answers yesterday. I smirked from my seat as the teacher continued to hand back our papers. I got mine back, every single question correct. 

"You," Barbra sneered, turning around and facing me. I looked up and gave her a neutral look. 

"Fucking cunt," she commented. I shrugged and started on my work for the day. I was so happy that algebra was my last class of the day. I finished my paper pretty early and continued to doodle. I felt something hit my forehead decently hard and looked up to see the girl with her hand near my face. Did she seriously just flick me? How childish.

"You're gonna regret what you did," she whispered, turning back around. I shrugged it off and put my stuff away since the bell was going to ring any second now. Just as I slung my backpack over my shoulder, the bell rang and I rushed out of class, happy that the day was over. I pulled out a pancake from my backpack that I had been saving to eat. I took a small bite and practically ran down the hallways to my locker, accidentally bumping into a guy that was a year above me.

"Sorry about that," I apologized quietly, helping pick up the couple of books that he was carrying. He gave me a smile and picked up his history textbook.  

"It's all good," he said, his eyes going to my snack.

"Eat da puncake," he said before walking off and down the hallway. I gave him a confused look as he walked away and went to my locker, getting everything that I would need for my homework. I slammed the locker and began to walk out of the school. 

I knew that guy. He was a part of a group of popular guys at the school. The weren't the most popular, but still pretty popular. Okay, maybe I liked him. Just a little bit. I mean, he was kinda funny and unbelievably cute. I wish he noticed me. I don't care about what others think of me still, but I actually care about what he thinks of me. Wow, I need to stop getting lost in thought.

I walked behind the school, popping in some earbuds. My music played in my ears and I smiled as I continued walking. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a head of blonde hair that I knew too well.

"Hey you smartass," Barbra sneered, pushing me up against a wall. I groaned quietly and my earbuds fell out as I dropped my iPod on the concrete. A few other girls showed up as well.

"You don't just get to make a jackass outta me and get away with it you worthless bitch," she said, punching me in the stomach. I hunched over but didn't dare hit her back. I don't want to get suspended from school for one thing, but I also didn't want to cause violence. Sure, I had no problem with some peaceful ways of fighting back, but not actually hitting another person. 

Her other two friends grabbed me by the arms and Barbra began to punch me in the face and everywhere else that you could possibly hit. She continued to beat me until my legs couldn't support me anymore and I collapsed on the ground. The three girls crowded around me, kicking me in the stomach. I couched up some blood onto the concrete.

"This should teach you not to screw with me bitch," Barbra laughed darkly.

"And you should learn not to screw with decent people." I looked up to see the last people I would expect to show up at the moment. 

"I suggest you beat it," a guy named Lui said. "Or I'll have my girlfriend sick her gang on you assholes." They rolled their eyes and Barbra spit in my face before leaving. Tyler growled at the bitch and then kneeled down next to me.

"You okay y/n?" he asked, helping me sit up. I gave him a look that probably held up most gratitude and confusion because he just smiled sadly at me.

"Why didn't you fight back?" he asked. I shrugged.

"Violence won't stop violence," I responded, trying to stand up. Tyler helped me and the other guys in the gang stepped forward to help out. 

"Wow, that's pretty determined to hold back your fist to someone who's beating you up," Evan, the leader, commented while he went over and picked up my undamaged iPod. I don't know how the hell it didn't even get a scratch at least. I winced as we began to walk. Putting pressure on my legs hurt, but especially on the left leg.

"Here, I got ya," Tyler said as he gently picked me up bridal style and carried me. A small blush started to creep its way onto my face as I found myself taking in his facial features. His short, dark hair, his rectangular glasses, the small amount of stubble on chin, and his just overall handsome face. Tyler chuckled and held me closer to him. He was really warm.

"So Craig was right," Tyler spoke up, his head turning back to look at another member of the group while they still walked. "You do have a crush on me." I looked anywhere but Tyler and I heard the one with a hockey mask giggle.

"Well, you'll be okay. I'll fix you up when we get to my house," Tyler said, kissing my more than likely bruised and cut up forehead. I snuggled closer to him and fell asleep before we even got back to his place.

A/n: A longer one shot for all you Wildcat lovers out there like me. Finals are coming up next week so I'm probably gonna die. I'll still upload a lil something for you amazing people though. Hope you all do well/did well on finals and I will see you guys next weekend! Peace out!

Love you all,

-Alex <3

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