9/11 Tribute

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I sighed as I parked in my usual spot at my job. I really hated it. It was boring, literally half of the people I was forced to work with were assholes. There was only two things that were worth coming to my job everyday; money and I got to see my friends. We all work in the same building now. Since Evan and Marcel got transferred over to my department, it was pretty nice. I walked on into the lobby, being greeted by the receptionist Lanai.

"Morning Craig," she said cheerfully, smiling up at me. I smiled back.

"Heya. Got a lot of work to do today?" I asked. She shrugged.

"Nothing I can't handle. Tell Brian I said hi when ya see him."

"No problem," I responded, stepping into the elevator and heading up to my floor. When I got there, I stepped out and surveyed the office, trying to find my buds.

"Yo Craig!" I heard a voice yell off to the left of me. I turned towards the voice to see Brian, Marcel, and Evan heading toward me. I smiled.

"Sup guys?" I responded, walking on over. "Lanai says hi by the way Brian." He chuckled, looking down at his feet briefly. They were such a cute couple. Suddenly, a pair of hands went on my shoulders, startling me a bit. As soon as I heard the crazed giggle however, I knew exactly who it was.

"What's up bitches?" Jon asked, stepping in to our little group to socialize.

"Hey," a gruff voice spoke. We all turned to see out boss giving us foul looks. "Get to work. This ain't some social party." We nodded and began walking to our desks.


We all got to work from the looks of things. Thankfully, Tyler sat pretty close to me, so we were able to talk as the day went on. I really hated this job. The boss was a dick, more of a dick than a boss really should be.

"Yo, Craig," I heard Tyler whisper yell over to me. I glanced to the cubicle behind me and saw Tyler giving me a devious grin. He pointed to the cubicle next to him, home of the office slut. He held up a bottle of ketchup, the cap unscrewed and no where to be seen. I giggled quietly and we saw her stand up from her spot, making her way to the other side. She wore very high heels, a mini skirt, and a black top that showed way too much cleavage.

Tyler stood up from his seat and quickly made his way over to her area, pouring the ketchup all over the bottom of her seat. Thankfully, it wasn't super noticeable. He quickly made his way back just as she turned around and headed back to her desk.

We looked back at what we were doing, barely holding in our laughter when we heard a small squish.

"What the actual fuck!?" she screamed out. Tyler and I slowly turned to her only to see the back of her white mini shirt and thighs covered in red ketchup. Everyone was looking at her now, some laughing, others offering to help.

Suddenly, a loud explosion rang in our ears and the building shook. The glass shattered and we all took cover. I glanced up to see what happened. Part of me wished I hadn't though.

There's a plane. In the opposite building.

I stood there in complete shock.

No. There is no plane. It was just a gas explosion, right?

So much fire, how many are dead?

What the hell is goin-

"Craig get down!!" someone yelled, tackling me to the ground. I heard the roar of an engine and the building shook yet again, much more this time. Ceiling tiles fell to the floor, and I felt the building and floor beneath my body shaking. My ears were ringing, I could only hear the faint screams of other people. Something lifted me to my feet, and I looked up to see it was Tyler.

"We have to get out of here," I heard from him faintly. I nodded and we bolted for the stairwell, dodging debris and pieces of knocked over office equipment. We quickly followed everyone down, trying to escape this deathtrap.

Something fell through the stairwell, crashing through the concrete steps. Tyler and I jumped to the next landing just to see a large hunk if something crashing through the steps, making it impossible to get down.

We busted through the door on our landing into yet another set of offices. There was no one here. The building groaned loudly again, and I smelled smoke. I turned my head slightly to see fire near the stairwell door.

"Tyler," I spoke quietly, pointing to the door. He flipped around to see our only exit engulfed and surrounded by flames.

"Fuck," he whispered, hurriedly looking around for another exit.

"Help me find a way out Craig!" he yelled, searching around. I looked over to my side.

"This is the only exit." I spoke depressingly. Tyler whipped his head around to me, only to have his face fall. He came next to me, grabbing my arm tightly, looking to me and then to the growing fire.

"I do not want to die in a fire Tyler," I whispered, a tear falling down my face. He pulled me close, burying his face into my neck.

"Looks like we're out of options then," he spoke darkly. I nodded and walked over to our exit. A broken window, seventy stories up. I took Tyler's hand, desperately needing to hold onto something one last time. He squeezed it back, and we walked closer to the window, nearly at the edge. I looked back up at my best friend one final time. Tears slowly made their way down his face.

"See you on the other side Craig," Tyler said, his voice breaking. I smiled sadly.

"See you on the other side Tyler." And with that, we looked out to the clamoring and panicked streets of New York.

And let ourselves fall.

You know, I think about tragic events like these, and think "damn, that's terrible". And then I go and try to write something that would explain or really convey how terrible this was for the people experiencing it, and it breaks my heart. Literally just crushes me that this happened to real people. You will never be forgotten.

Love you all,

-Alex <3

Rest in peace to all those who died from this tragic event.

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