Just A Break

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Jake had been acting strange lately which was weird since he practically didn't want to leave my house the other day. He was acting so distant and I started to wonder if maybe he knew about the George guy who DMed me. Starting to think of it, if he knew I should probably tell him that I shut him down. Of course, whenever I brought it up, he'd change the subject.

I started seeing him less and less too. I didn't see him at lunch but when I did, he wouldn't even look at me and when I see him in the hallways, even if we make eye contact, he just walks away. This worried me deeply. I don't think I did anything wrong.

When I asked Rose about it, she told me what she almost always tells me; stalk him. And her being my best friend, she's obligated to come with me.

I remember the first time we stalked Jake because he was acting weird. George was the reason. So maybe, Rose thought, that George might be behind this as well. Maybe he's repeating history.

Since Rose happened to have last period with him today, she was supposed to call me and tell me where they were so I could meet her there.

"Rose where's he headed?" I asked her on the phone. I walked through the hallway quickly.

"He's walking really fast to his car,"

"Okay, I see him."

We got into our get away and followed him. Why does it always end up like this? Me secretly following him. Him being secretive and distant. When will it end? I don't want it to affect us but it seems like it might. I know what he'll say when he finds out I'm following him and as much as I want to avoid it, I know he'll see me. It's only a matter of time.

There was a hotel that he parked at. What the hell is up with all these strange places he goes to? Why would he even be going to a hotel? He usually hangs out with his friends after school so this is new. Maybe he just has family visiting? But his house has enough rooms to fit multiple families. He got out of the car and walked into the lobby. This is fishy. I waited 10 seconds before entering the lobby myself.

The elevator he was in closed before he could see me, thankfully. I waited to see what floor he went on which was only the third and I ran up the stairs all the way there. That was such a workout..

I was able to get there before he entered a room but he almost saw me. I hid in the shadows of the stairway until I was sure he'd turned around. He entered room 29B. Slowly, I tip toed to the door and peeped through the eye hole. There's a fairly old woman there, maybe around our mothers' ages- 35-45 years of age but she's still very beautiful. She's curvy. She's talking to him and batting her false lashes. Is she flirting?? That's disgusting on so many levels.

Then she puts her arms around his neck and he doesn't do anything. He just stands there and looks at her with a smirk; like he's enjoying it. Why? I see him kiss her and lead her to the bed. Oh My God. This can't be happening. This is just some kind of nightmare, right? It'll go away. I close my eyes tightly and open them. It's still happening.

I rush downstairs and into the car. Rose sees me crying I think she knows what happened."Is he with another girl?" She asked, hugging me. I nod and cry into her shoulder, "what does she look like?"

"She's a milf," I sob into her shirt. I hope she doesn't mind that my mascara is now basically on her shirt mixed with my tears.

"No way. Jake with a milf? How old do you think she is?"

"I don't know, like 40,"

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