Kids Parties & Kidnappings

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The next few days were spent with Jake despite Rose's demands for me to at least give her the time of day. I know I should hang out with my best friend because after all, she was there when Jake wasn't but I couldn't help it if all I wanted to do these past few days was spend time with Jake. He slept over at my house without my mother's consent two days out of a week. We were all playful and fun and just positive. Today was the little girl's birthday and we were on our way. This time, we had Rose come along. I did miss her even though she decided to ignore me the whole car ride there because that's what it felt like I was doing to her. She was texting Dylan the whole time too.. They haven't fought in a while which is cool.

We pulled up in the parking lot of a building which was decorated. I was wearing a cute pink printed dress and gold heels. Jake was wearing a great button up, some black pants, and black timberland boots. {Ik in the picture its not timberlands but I like timberlands better so}. Rose was wearing a silver sparkly dress which had no sleeves and black shoes with silver detail. We all looked pretty stunning, to be honest. We could easily be in the cast of Teen Wolf - sike.

As we were walking, we could see a bunch of little girls dressed up as princesses and little boys dressed as princes. The invitation said nothing about this being a princess party. We walked on, looking for someone in particular; her mother. I needed to thank her for inviting us and I also wanted to offer help in case she needed it.

I saw her holding a little boy by his wrist, scolding him. Then I looked to his other hand where he was holding a small Nerf gun and standing there with crossed hands looking angry was a little girl just a little taller that him with a wet dress. Oh.

She let go and grabbed the little girls hand, about to lead her to the bathroom when she caught a glimpse of us then she did a double take, sort of. She smiled at us, bringing the little girl with her as she stood in front of us with a vibrant grin.

"Hi!" She squealed excitedly as she brought us in for a hug, "Who's this," she looked at Rose, pulling her into a hug as well.

"This is Rose, my best friend, I hope its okay I brought her," I trailed off. I could have sworn I just saw George. She started a conversation with Jake and Rose but I wasn't really listening, just staring at the spot where I swore to have seen the blonde haired boy.

"Excuse me, is there a bathroom I can use?" I asked, interrupting their conversation.

"Enter the building it's in the lobby, to the left," she pointed me. I nodded and headed to that direction. It seemed separated entirely from the party and had an unsafe feeling about it. To distract myself, I looked down at my phone, texting Rose to look out for me. I always did this when I felt something was wrong and she always made it, except that this time there's no signal coming to my phone so my message wouldn't send. I raised my phone, trying to get at least two bars when I saw the second entrance being blocked by a somewhat muscular figure.

"Oh fuck," I said out loud, going into a somewhat defensive stance. I've never actually done martial arts or any type of fighting at all but I'd grown interested in watching UFC and high school fight videos so maybe it might be easy? Nah, I felt someone grab me from the back, putting their palm over lips to stifle the sounds of my muffled screams.

"Shut up and stop squirming before I use chloroform on you," a booming voice said. I heard tape being unwinded then the sticky feeling of duct tape on my lips. I continued to make noise hoping someone would hear, "I said stop squirming!" The man said. The other man, a less bulky one, brought his hand to my nose, cutting off my air as I began to squirm even more.

"Will you stop making noise now?" He asked. I just looked at him with furious eyes, "good."

He finally let me breathe again but I was only able to take one quick breath before the man holding me down picked me up and walked the opposite way of where I walked in. He dropped me harshly once we reached a white U-Haul van. I hit my head on a stone and as my vision began to double and fade, I saw a flash of blonde hair.



I've been doing a lot of thinking and I think its time that I start to end this book. Its been going on for so long and I've just been stretching it into a meaningless plot line. I want to start more new books where the plot is more thought out because I didn't and still don't know what I'm doing with this book :/ I might just edit and delete some things later on.


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